Friday, November 30, 2012

Week 8 Reflection

Building Teaching Skills Through the Interactive Web
Project Report
Name: Muhamad Suhaili                                                                           Country: Indonesia

Overall project goal: Plan and conduct action research, which involves a change related to technology use in your classroom. 
I. Background
·         Who are the learners?
All of the students at IKIP Mataram especially at English Department consist of 26000 students. They come from different background such as: 1) Prior schooling; it can determine their ability in speaking English. Some of them graduate from Senior High School at small villages and some of them are from city. Normally, most of the students who come from small village have not good ability in learning English, vice versa. 2) Motivation; it will affect to their endurance or dealing with optimist and pessimist thought in learning English. They are at fifth semester now, three semesters again they will pass from the institution. However, they are not motivated to learn more, it can be seen throughout their English ability. They are not well enough as the lecturer expects from them 3) Financial support; it will determine how long they will study and to what extent they can study at IKIP Mataram. It is dealing with living cost at the small city and school fee as well assignments and final projects. So far, 90 % of them can graduate from IKIP Mataram and 10 % go way which is caused by those aspects.

In this semester, the students at fifth semester are learning Teaching Media. Their ages are about 20 years old. They are learning English as Foreign Language. They have Sasak language for Sasaknese, Sumbawa language for Sumbawanese, Bali Language for Balinese, and Mbojo Language for Bimanese as their mother tongue meanwhile Bahasa Indonesia is our national language that include as second language. In teaching and learning process the learners use both Bahasa Indonesia and English. It is hard for them to understand English totally. Almost of the learners are shy to speak English because they worry to make mistakes as the effect their classmate will laugh their mistakes.

·         What is the setting?
The setting always takes place in the classroom. It starts from morning to evening. They learn 2 x 45 minutes a week. The class is very noisy and crowded because it consist of 40s students. The desk consists of 50 and it is heavy and difficult to move it. It means that the desk cannot be arranged like making circle, square, or other style during the learning process. We also have one LCD and Computer to support learning process. The classroom is hot as well because it is not facilitated by air conditioner. The learners sit in line facing the lecturer like watching the movie. Sometime they laugh if they find something funny and sometime they feel asleep when they get bored.

·         What are the course goals?
In a semester, the learners have 16 meetings in achieving the material. They are many goals that can be expected throughout this subject. i.e; 
1.      They are expected to be able to speak English, it is the most important thing because the teacher should be able to speak English much better than learners. It seems funny when the learners’’ English much better than teacher.
2.      They are expected to be able to teach by using some media. In this matter, they do not have to teach their students by the old method, i.e. speech from the first to the end of the class. In the other hand, they have to teach in many ways by having some media.
3.      They are expected to be able to create media by using technology. It means that they have to create something good to make the learners active and interested in learning. For instance, they make good PowerPoint Presentation by using interesting templates; create a Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Skip, etc.
·         What are the student needs?
1.      To become more self-motivated and take ownership of their work
2.      New strategies and techniques for incorporating media and technology into their teaching
3.      Examples of different types of media that can be used to teach the four skills
4.      Increased levels of confidence in their ability to speak English

·         Describe anything else that is significant or relevant about the course that related to your project

Prior to this current course with the University of Oregon, I rarely used technology with my class.  Rather I relied on more traditional types of media, such as printed media, photographs, etc.  The primary reason was due to the poor Internet connection at my school.

II. Issue or problem that started your project
This can be in the form of a research question or a less formal statement, like "students were not very motivated."
Based on the background above, the main problem that can be seen in this course is students’ motivation. In the teaching and learning process, I think the most important thing comes from the student’s motivation itself. It can said that everything cannot go well without having good motivation.

III. Initial solution and expected response
Describe what you thought would happen (this may be quite different from what actually happened). Describe what you tried, when, and where. Make sure you explain how what you tried is different from what you have done before.
Before taking this course at University of Oregon, I never used a PowerPoint presentation to present information. Rather I spoke to my students the entire class. Sometimes I asked them to discuss the information in a whole group setting.  So, for my project I tried to use a PowerPoint presentation in my class as the main solution to the problem regarding motivation.  I chose the use of a PowerPoint because my classroom doesn’t have internet access. By including the PowerPoint, I thought that the class would be more interesting for my students. If it was more interesting, I thought the students would be more motivated.
            On November 17th I decided to present my students the course content through the use of a PowerPoint presentation.  I made a PowerPoint that included all the course content for the day and I thought it was an interactive PowerPoint. I presented the PowerPoint for 20 minutes, during a 90 minutes class. I presented the PowerPoint in the same classroom where I usually teach my Teaching Media course.

IV. Response and reflection
What happened? Feel free to attach a course syllabus where you have noted what you tried and when. What did you think about what happened?
On November 17th I presented the PowerPoint. The students reacted in different ways.  Some students seemed more motivated.  Other students did not.  They were watching the slides like watching a movie. They became passive learners in my class. I knew they weren’t motivated because at the end of the presentation, they didn’t give any comments or questions.  I wanted to know why some students still were not motivated.  They still seemed bored.
V. Changes made
As a result of what happened and your reflection, what did you try next? What happened?
 I asked a friend to look at my PowerPoint.  My friend suggested that I add some slides to make the PowerPoint more interactive. I remembered how we talked about this in class.  I decided to change my PowerPoint by adding a Concept Test. I think these additions made the PowerPoint more interactive. I would like to try using the modified PowerPoint with a different group of students to see if they reactive more positively. I have not been able to try the new PowerPoint yet because the students have midterms right now. However, I believe that the modified version will be more interesting and create more interaction. 

VI. Conclusion
How will what you observed affect the way that you teach? What are the overall suggestions you would give others as a result of your project?
·         Some students were more motivated by the PP alone.  So it seems like a good idea to included PPs.  I should include more PPs
·         A PP that is not interactive can be very boring for some students. So my PPs must be interactive.
·         Even if you don’t have internet access in your classroom, you can find other ways to include technology in the classroom.
·         The visual media and presentation of information helps to keep students more focused.  It is helpful to visual learners.

Based on the explanation above, it can be inferred that Teaching and Learning process must be connected between learner and lecturer. In this way, the teacher should provide good way in teaching and the learner can adopt the lecturer’s way in teaching. Independent learners are encouraged to enhance the quality of learners. It means that teaching and learning process happen in both learner and lecturer. At least, it is not in student center or teacher center.

VII. Resources
Brajcich, J. (2000). Encouraging Learner Autonomy in Your Classes.

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