Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 2. Reflection

Hi Courtney and participants

I am going to say thank you very much for your help in increasing my knowledge again. For this second week, I have new information dealing with search engine and ABCD Model. It is really amazing form me.  For now, I have another way to search something/everything that I want search about, i.e. Search Engine, not through the Google only. At the beginning I am confused in operating it. However, I can see from other participants and I learn much from them. It seems I am staying at behind, but it is alright because that is reality for me. I realize that is common for the new user. In additional, I recommend to all learners (especially for my students) who want to search something through Search Engine. It is really helpful in searching resources for your assignment. One more thing, it is free of charge. 

According to (Heinich, et al., 1996) ABCD method is good acronym for the course objective. ABCD stands for: "A" is for audience, "B" is for behavior, "C" for conditions and "D" for degree of mastery needed.
Here is brief explanation: 
  1. Audience (A) – Who? Who are your learners?
  2. Behavior (B) – What? What do you expect them to be able to do? This should be an overt, observable behavior, even if the actual behavior is covert or mental in nature. If you can't see it, hear it, touch it, taste it, or smell it, you can't be sure your audience really learned it.
  3. Condition (C) – How? Under what circumstances or context will the learning occur? What will the student be given or already be expected to know to accomplish the learning?
  4. Degree (D) – How much? How much will be accomplished, how well will the behavior need to be performed, and to what level? Do you want total mastery (100%), do you want them to respond correctly 80% of the time, etc. A common (and totally non-scientific) setting is 80% of the time.
In terms of the acronym above, I can use it in designing my course objective at IKIP Mataram. For this time being I am just teaching and giving some assessments dealing with the topic discussion. Not more. The acronym is too easy to remember in designing course objective. That's why I put it in my Blog as my future archive.  

I can feel the advantages of using this blog. At the beginning, I just create it without thinking what is the Blog for?. If there is not any encouragement or guidance form Courtney in creating it, I am nothing. Thank you anyway. The blog can be used as good media in teaching especially for large number class in both inside and outside of the classroom. In Addition, It is good place to save our files.
After having this course, I am going to teach my students using the Blog, Email, and Facebook for the consideration that I am a Teaching Media lecturer. Then I am sure those tool are really helpful to support me in teaching and learning process particularly for large number class as I have at IKIP Mataram. Remaining the condition (background) of the students are really different such as motivation, mental, and financial. It is really suitable for them. They will have a lot of time to think, discuss, and share with their friends or colleagues outside.

This week I am really happy with you all. I appreciate it.

I am looking forward to learning more

Best regards
Muhamad Suhaili


  1. Hello Muhamad

    I am glad that this course is helping you so much. In fact I believe that the governments of the world should utilize maximum resources in the training of teachers and teacher trainers.

    Training one teacher into better skills and resources implies better learning for the students; and not just one generation of students but successive batches year after year. Also those students who get trained from that teacher and go on to become future teachers also benefit a lot.

    I am glad that you will teach the course in media to your students using Facebook, blogs and other online resources.

    Wishing you all the best :)


    Ashish Pande

  2. Hello Muhamad:

    I agree with you when you say that the ABCD method of writing learning objectives is easy to remember. The way it explains how objective statements must be structured makes writing them so simple when preparing my lesson plans. I also agree when you say that the use of blogs will be beneficial for students. Once I remember using emails to conduct a controversial discussion among my students (e.g. teenagers should do military service), It didn't create the impact I expected, something I'm sure I'll have when applying blogs this time with my students. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Cristian Silva
