Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 4: Reflection

 This week I have some great assignments to improve my ability in teaching. It is so hard for me to create it. Finally I can finish it in time. 
Reading, writing, and vocabulary skills

First, I am going to say welcome to week four. I wish we are happy in this week.

The first of my journeys was: then I found

Through out this URL, I can see the student writing especially for grade 7 and 8 Fall 2009. I clicked on interview I and Interview 2 then I saw student writing about his/her partners.

In my perception, Writing is applicable for all levels. However, this is suitable with my class condition for the consideration that writing is hard activity in my institution. The students seldom write directly because they have habitual to adopt someone's writing. It is a kind of plagiarism in my district. So that's why writing like describe about student's partners are going to work at my institution at undergraduate students.

The ABCD outcome for this site might be:
After reading this page site, students should be able to write short paragraph at least 150 words dealing with his/her partners.

The second, I went to the second URL namely; then I found

This page site is about reading activity.
I found some of reading topic and I tried to open the links one by one. I think it is very good example reading for the students at any levels. It seems the vocabulary used is not complicated but, it is understandable especially for student at intermediate level. In my class can be used at first and second semester.

The ABCD outcome for this site might be:
After reading this site, students should be able to comprehend the reading by answering the questions dealing with the passages.

The last URL was;

actually, this site is very helpful and useful for all levels to increase their vocabulary. It is medium for the learner to provide themselves to have a lot of vocabularies. Or in the other word is a kind of vocabulary enrichment. I have experience about it when I teach Vocabulary I at first semester in my institution. I applied puzzle and quiz to measure or to know the vocabulary mastery and it works. They are really helped by having or answering the puzzle or quiz dealing with vocabulary and grammar application. Of course this site is very important for them as the EFL especially for basic learners.

The ABCD outcome for this site might be:
After reading this site, students should be able to complete well the puzzle/quiz dealing with grammar and vocabulary enrichment.

The last but not the least, I think this site is very helpful and useful for all learners in my institution. The level can be condition-able with the words usage. Try to modify as good as we can!

Class problem
I am going to let you know about the issue of my students. I teach at 10 classes for teaching media class and the students consist of 40 up to 50 students in each class. They are coming from different background and different level/knowledge/comprehension in oral and written communication. They use English as the foreign language and some of them use Bahasa Indonesia and Sasak Language as their first and second language.

The first problem is the class very crowded, overwhelming, and noisy. It is not a normal number for good class, but it must be done because that is policy from my Rector. To make them listen to my explanation, I have to speak loudly. However, it is hard because they are speaking when I am speaking. Then I have no energy afterward. I cannot control my students in teaching them each week.

The second is time management; I cannot manage the time because the time allocation is not enough with the student's number. When I explain the material, suddenly my students say that the time was over. Therefore, I have to end the class soon. It seems they are bore with the class condition as well. And the class meeting consists of 12 meetings. It is included middle test and assignment. I cannot do more for teaching with huge class.

The third is assignment; I don't know how to give them score because the assignments of most students are same. The tasks come from the one student and she/he share with the classmate. They do plagiarism in doing the tasks.

The fourth is Language; some of my students come from small village and some of them come from small town. They have been learning English for many years; nevertheless they cannot speak English well yet. Therefore, I have to teach them in Indonesian language and in English (Bilingual).

The fifth is motivation; it seems parent's motivation not student's motivation. I say that because they take English department, but they don't realize it well even they seldom attend the class. After graduating from the collage, they are going to be English teachers. The case, they are going to teach an English class at elementary school, junior and senior high school, but most of them cannot speak English well/fluently in both oral and written.

The sixth is classroom discussion by having single presentation; the students don't want to do it at early meeting. They just wait the last minutes of class meeting. It seems that they just want to do it in hurry time with short duration. If I do it in group presentation, only one become spokesman meanwhile the other are silent since the presentation begin.

The seventh is project; the project is writing the paper dealing with the subject. However, I don't believe that they do by their selves because I can see from the student's activity inside the class. For instance, they never speak but the language use in their project is very good. It seems that they ask other people to do it.

The eighth is scoring; they don't worry if they will get C score. That is good score for passive students and in addition there is a kind of "score reparation" after the semester and luckily the will get better score then.

The ninth is financial; it is necessary for them to buy some books as their references but the financial doesn't support them. They just go to small library with its limitation if they have to do some assignments.

The last is final examination; they sit very close with other classmate. Therefore, they usually see their friends answer even they look up their books with their own tricks. And finally the supervisor cannot control it well.

Lesson Plan with Technology

Class (name, type of student):
Class                : The class is called Vocabulary Enrichment. 
Students          :  There are 45 students in the class. The students are between the ages of 18 and 19 years old.   The students in the class are level 2 and 3 English Language Learners, demonstrating high beginner level competency.  
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Vocabulary Pyramid Word Document
Mobile lab (laptops)
Note: actually I really want to use Blog and email through internet connection however I can’t because of bad connection in my place.

During the previous class students learned the meaning of 10 new vocabulary words related to “giving directions”.  They also learned the meaning of “synonym” and “antonym”

Objectives of this lesson (tell students about them):
The students will be able create a word pyramid on the computer using the word pyramid documents for all 10 new words.

Presentation (teacher or student), including key vocabulary
1.      The lecturer gives brief explanation dealing with the advantage of learning vocabulary (it is a kind of motivation).
2.      The lecturer gives description about some new vocabularies learning
3.      The lecturer gives the way of working with the “Vocabulary Pyramid Word Document”
4.      The lecturer gives the simulation before asking them to work through their own computer

The format is:


SYNONYM               SYNONYM               SYNONYM

ADJECTIVE              ADJECTIVE              ADJECTIVE              ADJECTIVE                         


The key:

Attractive                    Good looking              Fine-looking

Kind                Friendly           Rude               Polite               Bad                 Terrible             

I do not like the handsome man if he has bad character

Activity (student)
1.      The students pay attention to the lecturer’s explanation
2.      The students think/find out the synonym of the word as many as they can
3.      The students think/find out the adjective of the word
4.      The students try to make sentence(s) dealing with the word that they have written on their computers

Learning styles addressed:
Visual learners, tactile learners,

Technology alternative (in case things don't work as planned):
I am going to use printed paper if the technology doesn’t work properly.

Review before the end of the class session:
By having the word pyramid you will have a lot of vocabularies. It is a kind of vocabulary enrichment that makes you easier to understand your interlocutors. Try to remember the word that you’ve created.
1.      Make the assignment by creating ten words vocabularies and do as the sample.
2.      Look at your classmate’s works and share yours if you did different things.

Muhamad Suhaili

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Week 3.Reflection

Hi everybody

Delicious is delicious, I do not have any suitable words to describe it detail. Actually, I like it very much for the consideration that I have something new in my life again and make me easier to see, to share, to save everything regarding with documents in my world. However, I realize that this is my first experience in my life. It means that everything which happens for the first time makes me really confused to operate it such as a simple thing is making an account. For me, The newest thing give me a great challenge, I must think or make lot of considerations dealing with it in both written and oral form. I always worry that I am going to make some mistakes for my future. The dangerous thing in my mind happens before doing it. In the other word is hard for me to make a decision even for a small thing. There are a lot of things in my mind. I have to think a lot even though I am going to the right way. I cannot change my bad habit promptly. The sound is funny but I admire that is real.

I tried to learn the project report by Aleyda Linares, National Pedagogical University, Honduras

After learning her project, I like it with the consideration that she told me the way of teaching through the application of technology in detail. So far, her explanation in form of written was very clear starting from the background, problem, setting, goals, student's need, response, solution, etc. Something new that I seldom use within the classroom. In term of the technology application, Actually I like it very much particular in using blog and email. It seems that make me easier to conduct the teaching and learning process.

She told most of her students access computers at home and for about 4-5 were not because they were so busy and did not have time to work outside the university. After reading hers, in one side I was happy because they are very active and in other side I was not happy because most of the technology used was not used by me. It can be called that all of the students able to did everything they wanted. They learn through G-mail, Blog, email, power point slide show, computer, Language laboratory, word  processor programs, VCD, etc., they browsed some learning resources through internet connection, and they write reflection on their journal. It was amazing. In short, They learn everything is done through the application of technology.

Those ways invite me to teach my students by having it. However, not all of those things can be applied in my classroom. I am interested to use Blog in my class as I use in this course. The students can write down their project report, assignments, questions, read and learn from their friend blogs, etc. The strongest consideration is I teach in large class number and suitable with the students at university level. The author and I have different class situation. Nevertheless, by having the situation which is explored by her, I can learn much apply some of those media for the future.

Not the least, I am going to change my class situation as I can based on my condition.

I am going to let you know about teaching aural/oral skills.

The first article that I have read is Developing Listening Skills with Authentic Materials.

There are three activities in Developing Listening Skills with Authentic Materials.

Stage 1: Pre-Listening Activity

Pre- Listening Activity is very important thing to do before going to other activities. In my understanding, it is a kind of brainstorming. Everything must be asked to the students dealing with the topics. This activity will help much the student to go further. They are going to know the concept that will be learnt. Or in the other hand, it can be called such as “Pre-questioning”. It means that we try to give the questions to the students which direct them to the real questions or post listening activity.  

Stage 2: While- Listening Activity

While- Listening Activity is the main activity before having the Post-Listening Activity. I state that because the students are unable to do their post-activity without having listening activity to the speaker. The students must focus to listen carefully in order they can do the next activity. To direct them in answering the post test, we can ask them to find the answer of 5-W and 1-H instead of: When? Why? Where? Who? Which? and the last is How? By having those questions within the students’ mind will direct them to the next activity easier.

Stage 3: Post- Listening Activity

Post-Listening Activity is a kind of evaluation after having Pre- and While- Listening Activity. If the student cannot answer, or do the tasks on this activity means that they do not focus to the first and the second activity. Therefore, it can be inferred that the last activity is much determined by the previous activities.
Regarding with the recommendation, in my mind this site is good for the student at senior high school and student at university (Medium and high levels). The students at my Institution are good to have it. I am going to use it if I were Listening lecturer.

The second article is Get out of the classroom 1

In aural/oral skill building, speaking most important skill to be mastered by the learners. After having this site. I think that is very useful tip for the all learners/level and teacher/lecturer as well to build up their knowledge in teaching speaking. Speaking activity cannot only be done in the classroom. As I know, speaking in the classroom will make the student bored and finally they do not want to study speaking class anymore particular for the student who English as the second language/foreign language. As a good lecturer, she/she must find some god tips for each levels in teaching speaking class especially for them who learn English for the second or foreign language. Speaking in the classroom is a kind of monotonous activity. They are bored to see their classmate even their teacher/lecturer every time in the classroom. They need something new and refresh in learning it. That is why this tip is very useful for all levels. It is more relax, freedom of thinking, and such kind of mind refreshing. In the other word is learning by doing, seeing, and experiencing. The activities are very simple and easy to do it as retelling story based on what they have done, seen and experienced outside of the classroom. The level much depends on the topics itself. It can be suited based on the vocabulary election. How difficult of the vocabulary determine the student ability to speak in speaking class.

In term of recommendation, I recommend this site for all levels (basic, intermediate, advance level) for the reason that we will not end to speak as long as we still alive.

Thank you, Courtney and all participants

Best regards
Muhamad Suhaili

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Current grade

Current grades for Fall:

  Webskills Fall 2012 Courtney 100.0%  P   

Discussions      100.0%  P      10 / 10      20.0% of grade

Blog Posts      100.0%  P      5 / 5      20.0% of grade

Tasks      100.0%  P      10 / 10      20.0% of grade

Project Tasks      —            
     20.0% of grade

Project Report      —            
     20.0% of grade

  Assignment        Score    Category  

Week 1: Needs Survey
   5 / 5


Week 1: Nicenet Introductions
   10 / 10


Muhamad: Thank you for the simple yet wise quotes you provided. I truly enjoyed them. It is a pleasure to have you in the class!

Week 1: Nicenet Groundrules
   5 / 5


Week 1: Blog
   5 / 5

   Blog Posts

Muhamad: Nice work creating your first blog, Muhamad! I'm glad you are already finding it to be a useful tool.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Week 2. Reflection

Hi Courtney and participants

I am going to say thank you very much for your help in increasing my knowledge again. For this second week, I have new information dealing with search engine and ABCD Model. It is really amazing form me.  For now, I have another way to search something/everything that I want search about, i.e. Search Engine, not through the Google only. At the beginning I am confused in operating it. However, I can see from other participants and I learn much from them. It seems I am staying at behind, but it is alright because that is reality for me. I realize that is common for the new user. In additional, I recommend to all learners (especially for my students) who want to search something through Search Engine. It is really helpful in searching resources for your assignment. One more thing, it is free of charge. 

According to (Heinich, et al., 1996) ABCD method is good acronym for the course objective. ABCD stands for: "A" is for audience, "B" is for behavior, "C" for conditions and "D" for degree of mastery needed.
Here is brief explanation: 
  1. Audience (A) – Who? Who are your learners?
  2. Behavior (B) – What? What do you expect them to be able to do? This should be an overt, observable behavior, even if the actual behavior is covert or mental in nature. If you can't see it, hear it, touch it, taste it, or smell it, you can't be sure your audience really learned it.
  3. Condition (C) – How? Under what circumstances or context will the learning occur? What will the student be given or already be expected to know to accomplish the learning?
  4. Degree (D) – How much? How much will be accomplished, how well will the behavior need to be performed, and to what level? Do you want total mastery (100%), do you want them to respond correctly 80% of the time, etc. A common (and totally non-scientific) setting is 80% of the time.
In terms of the acronym above, I can use it in designing my course objective at IKIP Mataram. For this time being I am just teaching and giving some assessments dealing with the topic discussion. Not more. The acronym is too easy to remember in designing course objective. That's why I put it in my Blog as my future archive.  

I can feel the advantages of using this blog. At the beginning, I just create it without thinking what is the Blog for?. If there is not any encouragement or guidance form Courtney in creating it, I am nothing. Thank you anyway. The blog can be used as good media in teaching especially for large number class in both inside and outside of the classroom. In Addition, It is good place to save our files.
After having this course, I am going to teach my students using the Blog, Email, and Facebook for the consideration that I am a Teaching Media lecturer. Then I am sure those tool are really helpful to support me in teaching and learning process particularly for large number class as I have at IKIP Mataram. Remaining the condition (background) of the students are really different such as motivation, mental, and financial. It is really suitable for them. They will have a lot of time to think, discuss, and share with their friends or colleagues outside.

This week I am really happy with you all. I appreciate it.

I am looking forward to learning more

Best regards
Muhamad Suhaili

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Wiki is a blackboard. It is one of social media that can be used to create or give the information to other people. In the other word a media is a place to share the people's ideas in written form. It is very good media for teaching and learning process especially for long distance. It is very helpful for to use in large group. Means that the people are going to get a lot of information as many as possible from other group member.

Best regards

Muhamad Suhaili

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 1 Reflections

Hi Courtney,
First of all, I am going to say that this is my first experience in writing through blog and thank you for teaching me in creating the blog. When I created it, absolutely I had a problem especially in signing in to use blogger. It was caused by my first experience. i cannot do anything without your guidance, but after creating it, it seems like creating an email address.
second, I am going to say that the blog is very useful for everybody especially for people who join the online course.It is a good media for teaching and learning process especially for long distance like me. By having the blog, I can see and read someone else blogs. Means that I can learn many things through their writings that will be posted and also I can see my progress by using the blog.
Having the class through the blog can make easier for people especially for me. I am going to have a lot of time to think, I can prepare myself to give my best (what I should say, or write, or what should I explore about). I can feel that It is much different when the people or I study in the direct class. They or I will have short time to think even I do not have any words to say when I invite to speak. And also there is not any special document for direct class. The last, it will help the student or me who does not have good ability in speaking or in other word "not talk-active". It is very useful for me and may be for other people as well.

Best Regards
Muhamad Suhaili