Hi students,
I wish you are happy and healthy forever
For this week, I invite you to give comments by reading these following URLs.
I am looking forwad to see your comments
Best regards
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ReplyDeleteAbout spelling definitely worthwhile to help children hear the sounds in words by developing phonemic awareness, and then exploring sound/symbol relationships and spelling patterns — especially if you continuously encourage kids to think about how these strategies will help them as readers and writers. VocabularySpellingCity was initially created to save teachers time by automating weekly spelling tests, (i.e. administering, grading and recording) and providing immediate feedback for students. Nearly a decade later, the service has grown to provide a wider range of educational services for teachers, families, schools, and districts.
ReplyDeleteThis some Punctuation Marks like
• period: sthe period Use a period [ . ] at the end of a sentence that makes a statement.
• the comma :Use a comma to separate the elements in a series (three or more things), including the last two.
• the exclamation mark: Use an exclamation point [ ! ] at the end of an emphatic declaration, interjection, or command.
• the question mark :Use a question mark [ ? ] at the end of a direct question.
• the colon :Use a colon [ : ] before a list or an explanation that is preceded by a clause that can stand by itself.
• the semicolon: Use a semicolon [ ; ] to help sort out a monster list:
to separate closely related independent clauses:
• the hyphen: Hyphens have other uses
a. creating compound words, particularly modifiers before nouns (the well-known actor, my six-year-old daughter, the out-of-date curriculum
b. writing numbers twenty-one to ninety-nine and fractions (five-eighths, one-fourth)
c. creating compounds on-the-fly for fly-by-night organizations
d. adding certain prefixes to words: When a prefix comes before a capitalized word or the prefix is capitalized, use a hyphen (non-English, A-frame, I-formation). The prefixes self-, all-, and ex- nearly always require a hyphen (ex-husband, all-inclusive, self-control), and when the prefix ends with the same letter that begins the word, you will often use a hyphen (anti-intellectual, de-emphasize), but not always (unnatural, coordinate, cooperate). By all means, use a good dictionary when in doubt! For further information about compound nouns and compound modifiers, see the separate section on Compound Words
• the quotation mark: Use quotation marks [ “ ” ] to set off material that represents quoted or spoken language
• the dash :Use a dash [ — ] (or two hyphens [ -- ] on old-fashioned typewriters) or dashes as a super-comma or set of super-commas to set off parenthetical elements, especially when those elements contain internal forms of punctuation:
• parentheses: Use parentheses [ ( ) ] to include material that you want to de-emphasize or that wouldn't normally fit into the flow of your text but you want to include nonetheless.
• The brackets: Use brackets [ [ ] ] in the following situations:
• The Ellipsis: An ellipsis [ … ] proves to be a handy device when you're quoting material and you want to omit some words
• The Apostrophe : We use an apostrophe [ ’ ] to create possessive forms, contractions, and some plurals (see below). The apostrophe shows where a letter or letters have been left out of a contracted verb:
• The Slash or Virgule : A slash or slant or solidus or virgule [ / ] (take your pick of names) is used to indicate a choice between the words it separates.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 11.411.007
It discussion about spelling strategies, with some spelling strategies like Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. To easy to teach by words through sounds and develop hearing of the children.
It about spelling and vocabulary and I interested in to join in the members, because this teaching method there are vocabulary game and language arts activities. This activities to build phonological awareness and phonics skills use a patent-pending technology developed by vocabularySpellingCity. And these games let students see and hear words sounded out, spelled, and used in a sentence. But we must have app of iPads, iPhones, and Android devices.
it talks about the fact on the teaching of spelling, to encourage learners of all ages to write, write, write, and just to spell words the best and to young children to hear separate sounds in words to spell correctly.
It talks about Punctuation (grammar), it’s very important if we read a sentence. And to learn how to make our English clearer and better organized.
It talks about punctuation marks; to easy the reader to read the sentences where we stop or break to read etc.
ReplyDeleteNIM: 13-411-039
this http about strategies for students,there are 3 strategies in this URL and this strategy can Develop Phonemic Awareness,Explore Sounds,and Discover Spelling Patterns. This strategies can help the student in writing and reading skills and can help student to increase their vocabulary. This strategy can increase the ability of the students to listen voice in words and make the students interesting to read a lot.
2. https://www.spellingcity.com/
This URL talking about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts. I believe that this strategy is good for the student in teaching learning process, because in this game there are game that can make the students interesting to study. But in this url the students and teacher should have the application like i Pads, i Phones, and Android devices.
3. https://www.heinemann.com/shared/onlineresources/08894/08894f4.html
This url talking about Learners of all ages need encouragement to write, write, write, and just to spell words the best they can in first drafts. The teacher to guide the children to inventing spellings.
4. http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/punctuation/
This url about pronunciation, we can Use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organised. In this url there are some PUNCTUATION RULES IN ENGLISH such as :
the period (or full stop in British English)
the comma
the exclamation mark
the question mark
the colon
the semicolon
the quotation mark
the apostrophe
the hyphen and the dash
parentheses and brackets.
This rules can help our writing to be well than before. Because punctuation is important to make our writing to be clear and enjoy to read.
This url talking about punctuation marks; this url help us to guide our writing. It help the reader to read the sentence by easy. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book or etc.
Name: Iswan Hidayat
ReplyDeleteNim : 13.411.005
Class: V/A
This strategis is very easier that can take by teacher to developing their students skill, by spelling students can know how to spelling every single word by correctly, here teacher as guide first spelling the word and the student can repeat again and again in order they can mention or read everything by the correct spelling and it can be increase their pronouncation skill also.
Name : Rizwan Abdulllah
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411041
Class : V-A
This website is very useful because it's a easy strategy and easy to apply by teacher and increasing student skill.
spelling make student skill in pronounce because, in spelling student learn about how to pronounce each word with right sound.
that's all thank you .........
Name : Haerul Rozy
ReplyDeleteclass : V/A
std number : 13411001
this http is about Punctuation, how to write the sentence, paragraph and so on that consist of writing and correctly with the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash, parentheses and brackets. These functional are very useful for everybody that want to write something correctly in order to somebody understand. Beside that this punctuation is very important for the teacher that want teach writing or grammar for the students in order raise or increase the students’ skill in writing and grammar.
Name : hikmah fujiati
ReplyDeleteNim : 12.411.054
Class : b
1. http://teacher.cholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/instructor/spell4.htm
This strategis is very easier to useful by teacher to increasing knowledge to the students. Spelling make students can know about pronounciation. Here, some students can learn from teacher how to be a good pronounce and learn each word by word and the teacher can ask to the students to repeat again about the correct spelling and it is can increasing their knowledge about spelling.
Name : Ramlah
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411075
Class : B /V
It talks about the fact on the teaching of spelling, to encourage learners of all ages to write and just to spell words the best and to young children to hear separate sounds in words to spell correcly.
This url talking about punctution marks, this url help us to guide our writing.it help the reader to read the sentence by easy and the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book or etc.that's all thank you
name: munawwarah
ReplyDeletenim: 13411129
class: V C
when the teacher teach in elementary school the first step that they use is spelling to introduce the vocabulary and to make them easier to understand about english language. after that teach them how to read that vocabulary on your own voice. so that they will follow what they hear. we begin from the easier vocab such as alphabet or animal and teach them by what they want.
name: erni susilawati
ReplyDeletenim: 13411105
class: V C
this URL is very useful for teacher who teach vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar.Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. You use punctuation marks to structure and organise your writing.
You can quickly see why punctuation is important if you try and read this sentence which has no punctuation at all. pronunciation help you to make your voice like a native speaker. Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. You use punctuation marks to structure and organize your writing.You can quickly see why punctuation is important if you try.
ReplyDeleteThis URL talking about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary,
spelling definitely worthwhile to help children hear the sounds in words by developing phonemic awareness, and then exploring sound/symbol relationships and spelling patterns — especially if you continuously encourage kids to think about how these strategies will help them as readers and writers. VocabularySpellingCity was initially created to save teachers time by automating weekly spelling tests, (i.e. administering, grading and recording) and providing immediate feedback for students.
function of URL this is
how to write the sentence, paragraph and so on that consist of writing and correctly with the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash, parentheses and brackets. These functional are very useful for everybody that want to write something correctly in order to somebody understand. Beside that this punctuation is very important for the teacher that want teach writing or grammar for the students in order raise or increase the students’ skill in writing and grammar.
ReplyDeleteThis URL talking about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary,
spelling definitely worthwhile to help children hear the sounds in words by developing phonemic awareness, and then exploring sound/symbol relationships and spelling patterns — especially if you continuously encourage kids to think about how these strategies will help them as readers and writers. VocabularySpellingCity was initially created to save teachers time by automating weekly spelling tests, (i.e. administering, grading and recording) and providing immediate feedback for students.
function of URL this is
how to write the sentence, paragraph and so on that consist of writing and correctly with the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash, parentheses and brackets. These functional are very useful for everybody that want to write something correctly in order to somebody understand. Beside that this punctuation is very important for the teacher that want teach writing or grammar for the students in order raise or increase the students’ skill in writing and grammar.
Week 7
ReplyDeleteThanks again for the Online Course. In this week, the five URL only concern about Spelling and Punctuation. In teaching learning process, Spelling and Punctuation couldn’t be separated because of it is related to each other. Three of them are talking about spelling strategies in making smart use of sounds and spelling, spelling and vocabulary, and the last is about facts on the teaching of spelling. In another side, the two URL are talking about the Punctuation. Spelling and punctuation is really important because without it, the readers and writers will be very difficult to recognize where and how the words and/or sentences arranged.
Thank you!
Best regards,
Yuda Prawiradireja “13411111/5th Semester/C Class”
Name : I komang widarta
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411113
Class : c/v
All those URL is useful for teacher to teach punctuation and vocabulary. Teacher will know how to teach punctuation and make student interesting for example selecting sentence from popular song, this will make student more interesting to study and teacher will be more creative on teaching.
Thanks for online course.
Name: St.Rahmawati
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411061
Class : V/B
In this URL about is talking program: how to teach Vocabulary Spelling City is dedicated to helping students, teachers, parent-teachers, and school systems. Vocabulary Spelling City is ongoing introduction of new features, many based on input from existing users. Student mission: efficient game-based study of literacy skills using any word list, and then exploring sound/symbol relationships and spelling patterns-especially if the student continuously encourage kids to think about how these strategies will help them as readers and writers. A teacher can use like (Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, Discover Spelling Patterns strategy).
2. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/marks.htm
This URL talking about punctuation marks: this url help us to guide our writing. It help the reader to read the sentence by easy. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book or etc.
ReplyDeleteN I M : 13411182
1. http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/punctuation/
This URL tell us how important punctuation in writing to convey our message to the readers. So the punctuation has function to make our writing is perfect, punctuation consist some type based on their function each other, like period, coma, semicolon, colon, question mark and so on. When we use the punctuation on our writing it has meaning, but if we don’t use punctuation when use some sentence or paragraph can make our writing doesn’t have meaning and make the reader confuse.
2. http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/instructor/spell4.htm
In this URL talk about strategy in spelling especially in English subject. There are some strategy to make our spelling is good in English, like develop our ability to her sounds and can spelling that and write down to make the different between the words when they hear, spell and they written, and another strategy is explore sounds that can help us to identify the letter(s) that represent of the sound.
Name: M. Khairil Anwar
ReplyDeleteClass: V / e
NIM: 13411202
Well sir, I've opened and reed the link you give, I think all of those links are talk about how use punctuation well and how to spell vocabulary well, because if we want to create a written it is not far from punctuation as a regulator of intonation reading and spelling as a means of delivery to others. Thank you
Nama: Sukran Mughammad Said
ReplyDeleteclass: V/B
Nim: 13411066
1. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/marks.htm
This URL explain about punctuation mark.
where the reader or writer to put the punctuation marks. and when a reader or writer explained that when the reader understand where punctuation is easily the reader can understand when in the book there is a stop sign.
2. http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/instructor/spell4.htm
In this URL talk about spelling spelling especially in subjects in English. spelling in English is very important and therefore, a lot of people who do not know how to spell the text. The spelling is very stony bagaima we develop the ability to speak the proper spelling. strategies that explore our voice. for example (s) and (z) will sound tersengar clearly when we pronounce the word.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411015
this url about the strategies for students there are 3 strategies can Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, Discover Spelling Patterns. This strategies can help the students in listening skill, speaking skill, reading skill and writing skill. This strategies can increase the vocabulary and pronunciation of the student.
this url about use punctuation marks to structure and organise the writing. In this url there are some Punctuation Rules in English such as the period, the comma, the exclamation marks, the question mark, the colon, the semicolon, the quotation mark, the apostrophe, the hyden and the dash, parentheses and brackets. This rule can help our writing before and better stucture to the writing. Because the punctuation important to make our writing to be clearly and organized. This url can increase the stunts ability in writing skill and grammar.
Name : Deni Suryani
ReplyDeleteClass : V/E
NIM :13411177
This is about punctuation. How do we write a sentence paragraphs etc
when students want to write them must know where punctuation should be in place, because the punctuation very big influence on the reader. Punctuation is also very important for teachers who teach writing because it can teach students more skilled in writing.
thank you :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName: Ni Putu Yanti Cahya Sari
ReplyDeleteClass: Vc
Student number: 13411125
this URL is very useful for teacher who teach vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar.Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. You use punctuation marks to structure and organise your writing.
Name:Halimah Tussadiah
ReplyDeletenim: 13-411-019
class: V/A
well sir. according to some URL above, i choose this one https://www.spellingcity.com/. it because if we were as a teacher, we know that some of our student cannot spell the words correctly. so that's why we need to teach our student about how to spell the word by using some game. the game that i will used to teach this method is puzzle word. the teacher prepare the game first before use it in the class then show it to their student. the teacher ask the teacher to find the answer of the puzzle. after, the student find the answer of the puzzle, the teacher should read or spell the word in front of the class then ask their student to follow her/ his. then, after doing this activity, the teacher give the feedback to the student. for instance, if some of the student spell the word incorrectly, the teacher tell them to correct their speeling
Name : Fatchul Wijayanti
ReplyDeleteClass : V.A
NIM : 13-411-026
Those links is about Punctuation. When speaking, we can pause or change the tone of our voices to indicate emphasis. When writing, we use punctuation to indicate these places of emphases. Punctuation marks are essential when you are writing. They show the reader where sentences start and finish and if they are used properly they make your writing easy to understand. This section gives practical guidance on how to use commas, semicolons, and other types of punctuation correctly, so that your writing will always be clear and effective. There are also sections which offer advice on using punctuation when writing direct speech, lists, or abbreviations.
Those links is about Spelling. If you want to create a good impression in your writing and make sure you get your meaning across clearly, it’s important to get your spelling right. With spelling, we seem to expect that all of us should spell one hundred percent correctly, even on first drafts, and even as young children. Perhaps it is this unrealistic expectation that leads some parents and others to object when teachers use newer methods of helping children learn to spell.
nama :heryanto arbi
ReplyDeletenim : 12411048
class :B
vocabularyspellingcity provides spelling, vocabulary, writing, and language arts activities for K-12 cross-curricular word study.VocabularySpellingCity was initially created to save teachers time by automating weekly spelling tests, (i.e. administering, grading and recording) and providing immediate feedback for students. Nearly a decade later, the service has grown to provide a wider range of educational services for teachers, families, schools, and districts.
ReplyDeleteCLASS: V/ B
ST.NO: 13.411.076
I think, from the five URL only talking about Spelling and Punctuation. In teaching learning process, Spelling and Punctuation couldn’t be separated because of it is related to each other.the first URL is tell us like strategy can Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. The strategies can help the student in writing and reading skills and can help student to increase their vocabulary. the other one is talk about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts and about Learners of all ages need encouragement to write, write, write, and just to spell words the best they can in first drafts. the last one is about pronunciation, we can Use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organized. such as : using the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash, parentheses and brackets.
This rules can help our writing to be well than before. Because punctuation is important to make our writing to be clear and enjoy to read. and talking about punctuation marks; this url help us to guide our writing. It help the reader to read the sentence by easy. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book etc.
Name : Ulfa Magfirah (13411069)
ReplyDeleteClass: V(B)
It discuss about how to help children hear the sounds in words by developing phonemic awareness, and then exploring sound/symbol relationships and spelling patterns. And the children can find out the differences of the sound what they heard and they try to write what they heard and also they can developing the phonemic.
it discuss about how to give comprehension of vocabulary from the game, there are many game we can use to teach in vocabulary. Especially on this discussion we can find these game on the application of the smartphone.
it discuss about how to teach the children to spell the word that they heard and then they can develop what they heard in writing form. And also the children can spell all of the word correctly
it discuss about how we can find out the diferencess between the sentences which use punctuation and without punctuation.
name: muhammad
ReplyDeleteclass: B/V
st. number: 13 411 044
The first url above describes the spelling strategy, with some spelling strategies, such as developing phonemic awareness, explore sounds and spelling patterns option. This url explains how to teach children with words through voice and hearing children develop. The second url explains how to build phonological awareness and phonics skills using patent-pending technology developed by vocabullarySpellingcity. And must use the application ipads, iphone and android devices. The third url talk about how to encourage students of all ages to write and spell words best. The fourth url talking about grammar, and learn how to make our English language more clear and nice. The last url explains how to easily read the last sentence, where we had to stop and rest.
ReplyDeleteCLASS : V C
NIM : 13411106
This is very interesting topic spelling and vocabulary.VocabularySpellingCity provides spelling, vocabulary, writing, and language arts activities. Learner can study vocabulary directly mention the word or how to spell each words. The premary in this site focus is now on vocabulary, especially the meaning of words used in specific contexts. Techers can teach vocabulary consist of spelling and meaning after that learner try to write. This topic also refer to build phonological awareness and phonics skills use a patent-pending technology developed. By this site reader can take many leson to catch some point or easier memories the word. The games let students see and hear words sounded out, spelled, and used in a sentence.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411017
This url about use punctuation marks to structure and organize the writing. In this url there are some Punctuation Rules in English such as the period, the comma, the exclamation marks, the question mark, the colon, the semicolon, the quotation mark, the apostrophe, the hyden and the dash, parentheses and brackets. This rule can help our writing before and better structure to the writing. Because the punctuation important to make our writing to be clearly and organized. This url can increase the stunts ability in writing skill and grammar.
Name : Supiandi
ReplyDeleteNim : 12-411-041
Class : VII/B
In this URL is talking about a program like game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts. I believe that this strategy very good for the student in teaching learning process, because in this game there are game that can make the students interesting I learning process, in this study we must have hand pone that can help the students in learning process without any phone the learning process cant run. I think this is the best way to improve our students skills.
Name : Genoveva Liwas
ReplyDeleteNim : 13.411.200
Class : E
This is very interesting topic game spelling.. Games Spelling (Spelling Games) - Learning English on this occasion will discuss about some of the English game on the matter of spelling (spelling). As where we know, spell out each letter of a word for children are not an easy job. Children sometimes tend to spell out letters spelling English with Indonesian and it greatly affects the pronunciation of a word of English. So to overcome that we as educators or prospective educators should try hard so that children can spell a letter from an English word correctly. Educators and prospective teachers usually use the games (games) to deliver material by using the spelling because the child will be more interested in the game.
1. Alphabet Race
Purpose: To train the pronunciation of the English vocabulary.
Language Level: All
Equipment and material: Two sets of alphabet cards.
On this game we have to use 2 Alphabet card device, which consists of a set of alphabet cards that read the AZ are respectively three, suppose there are three cards A and so on. We have to make 3 cards of the same letters as there are few words in English that consists of three the same word, for example "success". The card size is also not too small, so that all children can see it from a distance. Each set of cards must have the same number. The amount of each card device is 78 cards.
For students into two groups, each group holding a set of alphabet cards. The second group was asked to stand in the back of the class. When a teacher or educator mention the word in English, say "success". Students must pronounce the letters needed to make the word "success" is, of course, with the pronunciation of the English language. When children find a card that read the letters forming the word "success", the child should run ahead and arrange the letters so that it becomes the word "success" on the teacher's desk.
The first group prepares and wording correctly will earn points. Then, after completing the first word, the student must return to the back of the classroom preparing for the next word. The group with the highest number at the end of the game is the winner. Only use a word familiar to students.
This game would be very noisy because of the likelihood the child will run away and scream. Play this game if you are sure it will not interfere with other classes.
name: m.fadhil hamzani
ReplyDeletenim: 13411096
class: V C
teacher teach in elementary school the first step that they use is spelling to introduce the vocabulary and to make them easier to understand about english language. after that teach them how to read that vocabulary on your own voice. so that they will follow what they hear. we begin from the easier vocab such as alphabet or animal and teach them by what they want.
Name : Hirwan Jayadi
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411034
Class : Va
This strategy is talking about spell and this strategy is easy to use by teacher to imvrope theits studnets skill, by spelling students know how to read welland spelling single word by correctly, in here teacher teach by spelling first and the student repeat again and students will increase theirs pronouncation also.
ReplyDeleteCLASS : V/C
NIM : 13411088
Explore Sounds This is very interesting topic Spelling Strategies: Make Smart Use of Sounds and Spelling Patterns, especially explore sounds, this strategies suit for children, so the children have to identify the words that represent by those sound, after the teacher discover the different sounds can be written. The children should be in group to make their easy to study cooperative with their friends.
Name : Dinun Muthoharoh
ReplyDeleteClass : V/B
NIM : 13411081
I’m very interesting to this URL because it discuss about how to help children hear the sounds in words by developing phonemic awareness, and then exploring sound/symbol relationships and spelling patterns. And the children can find out the differences of the sound what they heard and they try to write what they heard and also they can developing the phonemic.
Name : Selviani
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411052
class : V/B
https://www.spellingcity.com/ this URL is talking about spelling vocabulary in which can be applied in children especially in elementary school students, because we can teach them by using the game so they are happy and enjoy in study. this strategies is suitable for elementary school and junior high school also in first grade.
THANKS . I apologize because late sending this task Sir
Name: siti masitah
ReplyDeleteNim: 13411138
Class: v/d
well, here is talking about how to improve our skill to spell, write, and listening the sound.and i do agree with spell all of this because when the teachers teach without the students know about the spell the english will not be better one.
and when we just know about pronoun and never known about spell our english will not be perfect.
and the second one is : write without we know about the written we will not be perfect because when the pronoun wrong we can correct by using the written.
and the last one is: sound(some media that listening and the produce the souds).thats important think that to improve the students ability about their listener.
so between spell, write and sound have the corellesion without spell,write, and sound by using listening our anglish will not be perfect one.
Name : Risca Ariska Ramadhan
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411098
Class : V C
This URL helps teacher to teach vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. Punctuation is used to created sense, clarity and stress in sentence. You use punctuation marks to structure and organize your writing.
Thanks ;)
ReplyDeleteso with the lesson plans can make teachers and students have the stages and objectives in teaching and learning in the classroom and in the teaching process has a learning rule
ReplyDeleteCLASS: VC
Student Number: 13411093
this http about strategies for students, there are three strategies in this URL and this strategy can Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. If we were as a teacher, we know that some of our student cannot spell the words correctly. This strategies can help the student in writing and reading skills and can help student to increase their vocabulary. This strategy can increase the ability of the students to listen voice in words and make the students interesting to read a lot. ^_^
name : baiq suci febri ramadhanty
ReplyDeletenim : 13 411 090
class : V. C
In this URL talk about strategy in spelling especially in English subject. There are some strategy to make our spelling is good in English, like develop our ability to her sounds and can spelling that and write down to make the different between the words when they hear, spell and they written, and another strategy is explore sounds that can help us to identify the letter(s) that represent of the sound.
Name: Mida yogiyanti
ReplyDeleteNim: 13411160
Class: v/d
I do agree with this media because it will help student to incress about their vocabulary and the smallest think that influence student is vocabulary.
and when the students have known about some vocabulary the students will try to make one sentence and practice because english without practising is nothing.
when they always practice about their vocabulary they will always remember about every word and without we realize they will improve about their skill.so i agree about the media that is teaching using vocabulary.
Nama : Awaludin
ReplyDeletenim :13411002
I chose this strategy because the strategy is great for teaching children, because with spelling and repeating the spelling vocebularry is one way to facilitate the students keeping in vocabulary,Another important thing to remember is repetition. Repetition will often allow the words to sink into the students’ minds easier.
Nama : Awaludin
ReplyDeletenim :13411002
I chose this strategy because the strategy is great for teaching children, because with spelling and repeating the spelling vocebularry is one way to facilitate the students keeping in vocabulary,Another important thing to remember is repetition. Repetition will often allow the words to sink into the students’ minds easier.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNama : Supiani
ReplyDeleteClass : Va
Nim : 13411011
This url about pronunciation, we can Use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organized. In this url there are some punctuation rules in English such as the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash parentheses and brackets.
This rule can help our writing to be well than before. Because punctuation is important to make our writing to be clear and enjoy reading.
name : sukarharianto
ReplyDeleteclass : c class/V
nim : 13411115
leaning about how to get spelling well in the song, or what wi listening, like poem, and the other thing, like student could develove their phonemic ability.
they can explore their own sound after listening their own sound about what they were heard.
name : sukarharianto
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411115
class : c /V
this url talk about the strategy how to learn spelling trough listening song, trough poem and chants.
this strategy could increase the ability of the student to show their ability in spelling. and this strategy to explore their sound after they listen the song, or chants.
Name: Taufiqurrahman
ReplyDeleteNim: 13411018
Class: V/A
This URL about punctuation, Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. we use punctuation marks to structure and organize our writing to be good and more be better. Punctuation have aim to learn how to make our English clearer and better to organised. there is 10 rule in punctuation *such as the period
*the comma
*the exclamation mark
*the question mark
*the colon
*the semicolon
*the quotation mark
*the apostrophe
*the hyphen and the dash
*parentheses and brackets
Name: Abas Oya
ReplyDeleteNim: 11411067
Class: V/b
This url about use punctuation marks to structure and organize the writing. In this url there are some Punctuation Rules in English such as the period, the comma, the exclamation marks, the question mark, the colon, the semicolon, the quotation mark, the apostrophe, the hyden and the dash, parentheses and brackets. This rule can help our writing before and better structure to the writing. Because the punctuation important to make our writing to be clearly and organized. This url can increase the stunts ability in writing skill and grammar.
name: ari putri fatimah
ReplyDeleteclass: B/V
nim: 13411070
function of URL this is
how to write the sentence, paragraph and so on that consist of writing and correctly with the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash, parentheses and brackets. These functional are very useful for everybody that want to write something correctly in order to somebody understand. Beside that this punctuation is very important for the teacher that want teach writing or grammar for the students in order raise or increase the students’ skill in writing and grammar.
In this URL talk about strategy in spelling especially in English subject.Uses that can be make skill of student develop and that the student can be more than have a certain thought.
Name : dermawan
ReplyDeleteClass : E/V
Nim : 13,411,211
Spelling strategy to help children hear the sounds in words by developing phonemic awareness, and then exploring sound/symbol relationships and spelling patterns
Strategy 1: Develop Phonemic Awareness
I find that children develop the ability to hear sounds in words when I involve them in lots of shared reading of poems, chants, songs, and big books with repetitive refrains and rhyme. I ask children to listen for and identify rhyming words, and clap when they hear them.
Strategy 2: Explore Sounds
Tell children you have noticed them listening for sounds in words they are trying to write — so you will help them discover how different sounds can be written. Reread familiar books, rhymes, chants, and songs, asking children to listen for words with a particular sound. List these on a chart; for example, words with a /k/ sound: kite, cat, school, bike, Christine, truck, cake, back.
Strategy 3: Discover Spelling Patterns
Tell the children that thinking about what a word looks like is a useful spelling strategy, so you are going to explore some common spelling patterns together. Reread a familiar big book, poem, or so on, selecting a particular spelling pattern to look for. For example, look for and list words with ea, such as: bead, bread, dead, instead, great, read, treat, break.
Name: Ahmad Hambali
ReplyDeleteClass: V/B
Number: 13 411 051
this URL tell learning about how to get spelling well in the song, or what we listen like poetry and soooonn,this method very important to student to devolve their phonemic ability.
the student can explore their own sound after listening their own sound about what they were heard.
Name : Fairul Rizal
ReplyDeleteclss : v.c
nim :13411121
1. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/marks.htm
This URL talking about punctuation marks: this url help us to guide our writing. It help the reader to read the sentence by easy. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book or etc
Name : Fairul Rizal
ReplyDeleteclss : v.c
nim :13411121
1. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/marks.htm
This URL talking about punctuation marks: this url help us to guide our writing. It help the reader to read the sentence by easy. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book or etc
Name: Maya
ReplyDeleteNim: 13411079
Class: Vb
that URL talking about program: how to teach Vocabulary as well as in Spelling , because it is make easy to understand for students. Vocabulary Spelling City is ongoing introduction of new features, many based on input from existing users. From that URl, its so important for teacher what good method in teach students that easier to understand what teacher has explained.
this url help us to guide our writing and how to increasing our writing when used the grammatical rule. Then help to reader easy to read it.. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book . I beg your pardon, because I late to sent it.
Name: Lalu Zulkaizan
ReplyDeleteSt. No: 13 411 085
Class: V/B
Spelling and Punctuation.
There are many things that we can get from these URL such as:
Those above URLs tell us about some punctuation marks and peelings usage in writing terms to organized the word to become excellent such as question marks, exclamation mark, comma, periods, colon, semi colon and many other punctuation mark usage. Those are very excellent site for me.
Nama : ni putu dewi wulandiani
ReplyDeleteClass : V/D
Nim : 13411167
It about fact on teaching of spell. Just motivation for all to always practice and remember about letter or another phonemic symbols and how we can spell it with right. Everyday we are practicing about that and we make our skill speaking and writing to be better.becouse in the fact we need and it very important to learn.
That is really fun to use teaching method becouse vocabulary game and language arts activities can build the phonological awareness and phonics skill in learning process. That a good idea and interest thing to new learner. And these games let students see and hear words sounded out, spelled, and used in a sentence. But we must have app of iPads, iPhones, and Android devices.
Teaching of spelling will be practice everyday and not only practice to memorizing but we must always learn to writting, listening so that good pronounciation. So that speaking will be better.
Punctuation in English grammar is important thing because one of function of punctuation used to conjungtion/rest of sentence or to stop. And to learn how to make our English clearer and better organized. Without the punctuation the grammar don’t have fuction.
The function of punctuation marks is to make easy the reader in reading sign when read straight and stop in read sentence. or break to read etc.
well that all from me thank you sirr
Name : Muhammad Takzim
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13.411.114
Class : V/C
assalamu alaikum.wr.wb.
this url help us to know the function of punctuation marks. in this url help us when, where and how we use punctuation marks itself.
Bilahitaufik walhidayah
assalamu alaikum.wr.wb.
Name:FIFI Kurniati
ReplyDeleteNim : 13.411.027
Class: V/A
Strategic is very easy that can be brought by teachers to develop the skills of their students, by spelling the student can know how to spell each word correctly, by learning spelling can also facilitate students in learning to read properly here the teacher as the first guide spelling words and students can repeating again and again so that they could recite or read everything with the correct spelling and pronouncation can improve their skills as well.
ReplyDeleteNIM: 13411058
I guess that punctuation is lesson iin the English language helps the reader to understand a sentence through visual means other than the letters of the alphabet: the rules for graphically structuring written language by means of a set of conventional marks. English punctuation has always had two complementary sides: on the one hand there is phonological punctuation linked to how the sentence can be read aloud, particularly to pausing, on the other grammatical punctuation linked to the structure of the sentence. In popular discussion of language, incorrect punctuation is often seen as an indication of lack of education and of the decline of standards.
Name : Januar Sufian Hariadi
ReplyDeleteNumber of Student : 13411036
Class : V A
Dear sir, I have read all of the URL that you gave to us. The first URL is about spelling strategies where there are some steps on teaching spelling started from Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore sounds, until Discover Spelling Patterns. Then in the second URL there are a lot of games as the supportive activities on teaching vocabulary that make teaching and learning process more enjoyable and colorful. And the next URL describes about facts on the teaching of spelling. Then the next URL explains about teaching grammar especially about punctuation, as mentioned in the text that Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. We use punctuation marks to structure and organize our writing. The last URL is still about punctuation mark where there are more clear explanations for each kind of punctuation marks, by just clicking the type of punctuation marks, so the explanation will be showed in the next page. Surely, all of the materials are really useful for me. Thank you so much sir
Name : Januar Sufian Hariadi
ReplyDeleteNumber of Student : 13411036
Class : V A
Dear sir, I have read all of the URL that you gave to us. The first URL is about spelling strategies where there are some steps on teaching spelling started from Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore sounds, until Discover Spelling Patterns. Then in the second URL there are a lot of games as the supportive activities on teaching vocabulary that make teaching and learning process more enjoyable and colorful. And the next URL describes about facts on the teaching of spelling. Then the next URL explains about teaching grammar especially about punctuation, as mentioned in the text that Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. We use punctuation marks to structure and organize our writing. The last URL is still about punctuation mark where there are more clear explanations for each kind of punctuation marks, by just clicking the type of punctuation marks, automatically the explanation will be showed directly in the next page. Surely, all of the materials are really useful for me. Thank you so much sir
name: Helda Pebriyana
ReplyDeleteNIM: 13411004
class: V/A
The URL above is about Punctuation. When writing, we use punctuation to indicate these places of emphases. how to write the sentence, paragraph and so on that consist of writing and correctly with the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash, parentheses and brackets. These functional are very useful for everybody that want to write something correctly in order to somebody understand. Punctuation is very important for the teacher that want to teach writing and grammar for the students to increase the students’ skill in writing and grammar.
that's all and thank you..
Name : Undini
ReplyDeleteClass : B/V
Nim :113411068
l really recommended all of student exactly who is colleger to read or join in this website , why I say like that because you will be need to make paragraph, essay etc. this website talk about how we make a sentence with:
• the period
• the comma
• the exclamation mark
• the question mark
• the colon
• the semicolon
• the quotation mark
• the apostrophe
• the hyphen and the dash
• parentheses and brackets
the good writer is who is make sentence with grammar and Punctuation.
Name : Nurlaelah
ReplyDeleteClass : E/V
NIM : 13.411.185
In English spelling and punctuation is important, why,,??? Because in learning the English language, spelling and punctuation are very important basic lesson to be learned. If we are wrong to say that word can change the meaning or the true sense, whereas punctuation how we read the letters and how to change the pronunciation if placed in a different place.
Example: C. C not only read but can be read also in s. Ccentral example. C in this central not is read by C but S.
Name : Novianti
ReplyDeleteClass :C/V
Students Number : 13411127
that's URL talk about the strategy that can help students to spell. the URL containing of some strategy or some ways that can developed students spelling, like in the first URL, in there, there are spelling strategy that can make smart with using sound and spelling patterns. and i think this is the good ways because with sound the students will exercise of hearing themselves, so the student will easier to spell.
that's all thank you.
Name:suhardi dya swasongko
ReplyDeleteNo id: 12411061
hat's URL talk about the strategy that can help students to spell.we use punctuation to indicate these places of emphases. how to write the sentence, paragraph and so on that consist of writing and correctly with the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark Then the next URL explains about teaching grammar especially about punctuation, as mentioned in the text that Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. We use punctuation marks to structure and organize our writing.
Name:Ilham Zaini
ReplyDeleteId :12411062
The first URL is about spelling strategies where there are some steps on teaching spelling started from Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore sounds, until Discover Spelling Patterns Develop Phonemic Awareness
I find that children develop the ability to hear sounds in words when I involve them in lots of shared reading of poems, chants, songs, and big books with repetitive refrains and rhyme. I ask children to listen for and identify rhyming words, and clap when they hear them.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNIM :13411032
that URL talking about program: how to teach Vocabulary as well as in Spelling , because it is make easy to understand for students. Vocabulary Spelling City is ongoing introduction of new features, many based on input from existing users. From that URl, its so important for teacher what good method in teach students that easier to understand what teacher has explained.
this url help us to guide our writing and how to increasing our writing when used the grammatical rule. Then help to reader easy to read it.. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book . I beg your pardon, because I late to sent it.
Name : khairul amri assidiq
ReplyDeleteClass: V/B
Nim : 13411054
Actually this URL told about how to understanding english in very fundamental and basic but very crucial let"s say spelling.in alphabet there are 26 alphabet should be spell appropriate and correct before make a sentence or create phrase.spelling in english could help someone to understanding the abilities in every single word even sentences vocabulary or shot paragraph as well.spelling can create students easier to enrich the word or sentences from their name first the the student can elaboration in spelling aspect before directly goes to advance material.
This URL absolutely told us how to understanding the knowledge of grammatical and structure in those aspect in learn english as gold in education.if we focus on academic writing mean that we should master on how to using grammatical role to create good abilities in terms of create an essay appropriate.grammar can help someone to understanding the all kinds of essay even short or long essay because of understanding the grammar role and structure.
Name: Dinta Roihani
ReplyDeleteSt. Numb: 13 411 176
Class: E/V
I've opened and read the link you give, I think all of those links are talk about how use punctuation well and how to spell vocabulary well, http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/punctuation/ This URL talk about how important punctuation in writing to convey our message to the readers. So the punctuation has function to make our writing is perfect, punctuation consist some type based on their function each other, like period, coma, semicolon, colon, question mark and so on. When we use the punctuation on our writing it has meaning, but if we don’t use punctuation when use some sentence or paragraph can make our writing doesn’t have meaning and make the reader confuse.
Name : Lailatul Wardiah
ReplyDeleteClass : E / V
Nim : 13 411 186
1. http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/punctuation/
http is about Punctuation, how to write the sentence, paragraph and so on that consist of writing and correctly with the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash, parentheses and brackets. These functional are very useful for everybody that want to write something correctly in order to somebody understand. Beside that this punctuation is very important for the teacher that want teach writing or grammar for the students in order raise or increase the students’ skill in writing and grammar.
2. http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/instructor/spell4.htm
It discussion about spelling strategies, with some spelling strategies like Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. To easy to teach by words through sounds and develop hearing of the children.
ReplyDeleteCLASS : V/E
NIM : 13-411-209
In this URL about is talking program: how to teach Vocabulary Spelling City is dedicated to helping students, teachers, parent-teachers, and school systems. Vocabulary Spelling City is ongoing introduction of new features, many based on input from existing users. Student mission: efficient game-based study of literacy skills using any word list, and then exploring sound/symbol relationships and spelling patterns-especially if the student continuously encourage kids to think about how these strategies will help them as readers and writers. A teacher can use like (Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, Discover Spelling Patterns strategy).
2. http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/instructor/spell4.htm
In this URL talk about strategy in spelling especially in English subject. There are some strategy to make our spelling is good in English, like develop our ability to her sounds and can spelling that and write down to make the different between the words when they hear, spell and they written, and another strategy is explore sounds that can help us to identify the letter(s) that represent of the sound.
Name : Mariana Sasmita
ReplyDeleteNim : 13 411 207
Class : E
I think all of those links are talk about how use punctuation well and how to spell vocabulary well, because if we want to create a written it is not far from punctuation as a regulator of intonation reading and spelling as a means of delivery to others. There are some strategy to make our spelling is good in English, like develop our ability to her sounds and can spelling that and write down to make the different between the words when they hear, spell and they written, and another strategy is explore sounds that can help us to identify the letter(s) that represent of the sound.
Name : Rinda Solawati
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13.411.203
Class : V/E
These links is talk about the spelling strategies and Punctuation. I personally think that all of the strategies are very easy, good, and effective when we apply in the classroom. But when we want to apply those strategies, we should pay attention for situation and condition in the classroom first. Make sure that the strategies that we choose is appropriate with students’ level. It is important because it can decide whether your students can understand or not. Also it is very important because it can decide whether the aim or purposes of your teaching is agreed with what you expected before.
ReplyDeleteCLASS: V/E
NIM: 13.411.180
I was open the entire URL. All of them was tell about how the teacher teach spelling, punctuation, grammar. Yes all of them have relationship. For the first one I will tell about Punctuation as the definition of Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. You use punctuation marks to structure and organize your writing. So in here the punctuation is very important because without that the sentence cannot call sentence without punctuation. For example comma this is used to separate list of noun or adjectives, to separate phrases, before a conjunction or before/around non-defining relative clauses. The next is about spelling in here the teacher can teach with interesting like make puzzle not focus of the teacher center and make the student’s bored. As definition of spelling is the forming of words form letters according to accepted usage. For example the words “made” and “maid” sound alike but have different spellings. So the conclusion is in one of them of URL is the way the teacher can using both of them to teach well and make interesting.
Name : Rinda Solawati
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13.411.203
Class : V/E
These links is talk about the spelling strategies and Punctuation. I personally think that all of the strategies are very easy, good, and effective when we apply in the classroom. But when we want to apply those strategies, we should pay attention for situation and condition in the classroom first. Make sure that the strategies that we choose is appropriate with students’ level. It is important because it can decide whether your students can understand or not. Also it is very important because it can decide whether the aim or purposes of your teaching is agreed with what you expected before.
Name : Elindawati Ridwan
ReplyDeleteClass : V/D
NIM : 13411154
Hallo sir, I was read this entire URL, and all this URL is very good strategy for teacher who teach vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. Vocabulary as well as in spelling, because it is make easy to understand for students. Vocabulary spelling city is going to introduction of new features, many based on input from existing users. Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. Pronunciation help student to make voice like a native speaker. And URL about grammar that use punctuation marks to structure and organize the writing, punctuation is very big influence on the reader and also very important for teachers who teach writing because it can teach students more skilled in writing.
Name :Zuhaeratun Anwariah
ReplyDeleteNim :13411134
For this URL basically talking about spelling strategist and function. also to help children hear the sounds in words by developing phonemic awareness, exploring sound and spelling patterns. therefore Children sometimes tend to spell out letters spelling English with Indonesian and it greatly affects the pronunciation of a word of English. So to overcome that we as educators or prospective educators should try hard so that children can spell a letter from an English word correctly.
of course for this URL still describes grammar in particular about punctuation. which are used for practice and correct set of literature. and test the students' ability in writing. Mentioned as Punctuation in the text that is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. with this URL will greatly facilitate students to learn more about their abilities and creative in writing.
Name: Mila Rosa Linda
ReplyDeleteNIM: 13411169
Class: V D
The first URL is about spelling strategies where there are some steps on teaching spelling started from Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore sounds, until Discover Spelling Patterns. Then in the second URL there are a lot of games as the supportive activities on teaching vocabulary that make teaching and learning process more enjoyable and colorful. And the next URL describes about facts on the teaching of spelling. Then the next URL explains about teaching grammar especially about punctuation, as mentioned in the text that Punctuation is used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. We use punctuation marks to structure and organize our writing. The last URL is still about punctuation mark where there are more clear explanations for each kind of punctuation marks, by just clicking the type of punctuation marks, automatically the explanation will be showed directly in the next page. Well sir. according to some URL above, i choose this one https://www.spellingcity.com/. it because if we were as a teacher, we know that some of our student cannot spell the words correctly. so that's why we need to teach our student about how to spell the word by using some game. the game that i will used to teach this method is puzzle word. the teacher prepare the game first before use it in the class then show it to their student. the teacher ask the teacher to find the answer of the puzzle. after, the student find the answer of the puzzle, the teacher should read or spell the word in front of the class then ask their student to follow her/ his. then, after doing this activity, the teacher give the feedback to the student. for instance, if some of the student spell the word incorrectly, the teacher tell them to correct their spelling
ReplyDeleteCLASS :E/V
NIM : 13.411.1981.http://www.spellingcity.com/
In this URL about is talking program: how to teach Vocabulary Spelling City is dedicated to helping students, teachers, parent-teachers, and school systems. Vocabulary Spelling City is ongoing introduction of new features, many based on input from existing users. Student mission: efficient game-based study of literacy skills using any word list, and then exploring sound/symbol relationships and spelling patterns-especially if the student continuously encourage kids to think about how these strategies will help them as readers and writers. A teacher can use like (Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, Discover Spelling Patterns strategy).
2. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/marks.htm
This URL talking about punctuation marks: this url help us to guide our writing. It help the reader to read the sentence by easy. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book or etc.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13-411-028
This URL talk about the program:-game-based learning program for vocabulary,
spelling is definitely worthwhile to help children hear the sound in words to develop phonemic awareness, and then explore the relationship sound / symbol and pattern of spelling - especially if you continue to encourage children to think about how this strategy will help them as readers and author. learning vocabulary in the classroom teaching the author goes with communicative and fun so that the students' understanding of English vocabulary has increased because it continues to exist in their memory and also easily seen.
class:V D
This URL talk about the program:-game-based learning program for vocabulary.
For this URL basically talking about spelling strategist and function. also to help children hear the sounds in words by developing phonemic awareness, exploring sound and spelling patterns. therefore Children sometimes tend to spell out letters spelling English with Indonesian and it greatly affects the pronunciation of a word of English. So to overcome that we as educators or prospective educators should try hard so that children can spell a letter from an English word correctly.
name : lascar farozi
ReplyDeleteclass : V c
nim : 13411095Good spellers are simply those people who
learn the most effective spelling strategies and
apply them on a routine basis . If your student
masters effective spelling strategies, she
masters spelling altogether .When a student listens for each sound in a
word and then attempts to represent those
sounds with a letter or letter combination ,
he’s using a phonetic spelling strategy. You
teach this spelling strategy by teaching the
basic phonograms alongside the basic spelling
rules .
name : Anugrah widyanto
ReplyDeleteclass: V/c
nim : 13411103
1. https://www.spellingcity.com/
This URL talking about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts. I believe that this strategy is good for the student in teaching learning process, because in this game there are game that can make the students interesting to study. But in this url the students and teacher should have the application like i Pads, i Phones, and Android devices.
2. https://www.heinemann.com/shared/onlineresources/08894/08894f4.html
This url talking about Learners of all ages need encouragement to write, write, write, and just to spell words the best they can in first drafts. The teacher to guide the children to inventing spellings.
3. http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/punctuation/
Punctuation in English grammar is important thing because one of function of punctuation used to conjungtion/rest of sentence or to stop. And to learn how to make our English clearer and better organized. Without the punctuation the grammar don’t have fuction.
Name : Multazam Marjan
ReplyDeleteStd. Number: 13411116
Class : V C
this http about strategies for students, there are three strategies in this URL and this strategy can Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. If we were as a teacher, we know that some of our student cannot spell the words correctly. This strategies can help the student in writing and reading skills and can help student to increase their vocabulary. This strategy can increase the ability of the students to listen voice in words and make the students interesting to read a lot
name ; budi alwan
ReplyDeletenim ; 13411197
class ; 5e
It discussion about spelling strategies, with some spelling strategies like Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. To easy to teach by words through sounds and develop hearing of the children.
http is about Punctuation, how to write the sentence, paragraph and so on that consist of writing and correctly with the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash, parentheses and brackets. These functional are very useful for everybody that want to write something correctly in order to somebody understand.
Name :Munir Hadinata
ReplyDeleteSt, no :13411107
Class :C /V
I interest to discuss this URL because we are a candidate of a teacher and insyaallah be a teacher. Must be know the first basic in english is spelling and vocabulary, it’s very important to all students when they spelling word or sentences be correctly, in english vocabulary is the most important, because you can not say something when you disunderstand that vocabulary, in spelling and vocabulary process teacher can used part of body, alphabet etc. For instance, the teacher spelling the word or sentences and the imitate by students, and also students can improve their pronouncation and knowing the new vocabulary too. Thank you
Name: Erni Mulyana
ReplyDeleteNIM: 13411055
Class: v/B
1. http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/instructor/spell4.htm
In this htp tell about strategies for students,there are 3 strategies in this URL and this strategy can Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds and Discover Spelling Patterns. This strategies can help the student in writing and reading skills and can help student to increase their vocabulary. This strategy can increase the ability of the students to listen voice in words and make the students interesting to read a lot.
2. https://www.spellingcity.com/
This URL talking about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts. I believe that this strategy is good for the student in teaching learning process, because in this game there are game that can make the students interesting to study. But in this url the students and teacher should have the application like i Pads, i Phones, and Android devices.
3. https://www.heinemann.com/shared/onlineresources/08894/08894f4.html
This URL talking about Learners of all ages need encouragement to write, write, write, and just to spell words the best they can in first drafts. The teacher to guide the children to inventing spellings.
4. http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/punctuation/
This URL tell about pronunciation, that we can use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organized. In this URL there are some PUNCTUATION RULES IN ENGLISH such as : the period (or full stop in British English), the comma the exclamation mark, the question mark, the colon, the semicolon, the quotation mark, the apostrophe, the hyphen and the dash
parentheses and brackets. This rules can help our writing to be well than before. Because punctuation is important to make our writing to be clear and enjoy to read.
5. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/marks/marks.htm
This URL talking about punctuation marks; this URL help us to guide our writing. It help the reader to read the sentence by easy. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book or etc.
amar hamzah farosy
Explore Sounds This is very interesting topic Spelling Strategies: Make Smart Use of Sounds and Spelling Patterns, especially explore sounds, this strategies suit for children, so the children have to identify the words that represent by those sound, after the teacher discover the different sounds can be written. The children should be in group to make their easy to study cooperative with their friends.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411166
function of URL this is
how to write the sentence, paragraph and so on that consist of writing and correctly with the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe, hyphen and the dash, parentheses and brackets. These functional are very useful for everybody that want to write something correctly in order to somebody understand. Beside that this punctuation is very important for the teacher that want teach writing or grammar for the students in order raise or increase the students’ skill in writing and grammar.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteName: Eky Arlin Bagus Putra
ReplyDeleteNim: 13411094
Class: 5/C
In this URL talk about strategy in spelling especially in English subject. There are some strategy to make our spelling is good in English, like develop our ability to her sounds and can spelling that and write down to make the different between the words when they hear, spell and they written, and another strategy is explore sounds that can help us to identify the letter(s) that represent of the sound.
name :lalu rizqi imam p
ReplyDeletenim :13411104
class: c/v
in this URL talk about in teaching learning process, Spelling and Punctuation couldn’t be separated because of it is related to each other.the first URL is tell us like strategy can Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. The strategies can help the student in writing and reading skills and can help student to increase their vocabulary. the other one is talk about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts and about Learners of all ages need encouragement to write, write, write, and just to spell words the best they can in first drafts. the last one is about pronunciation, we can Use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organized. such as : using the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe.
name :lalu rizqi imam p
ReplyDeletenim :13411104
class: c/v
in this URL talk about in teaching learning process, Spelling and Punctuation couldn’t be separated because of it is related to each other.the first URL is tell us like strategy can Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. The strategies can help the student in writing and reading skills and can help student to increase their vocabulary. the other one is talk about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts and about Learners of all ages need encouragement to write, write, write, and just to spell words the best they can in first drafts. the last one is about pronunciation, we can Use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organized. such as : using the period, comma, exclamation mark, question mark, colon, semicolon, quotation mark, apostrophe.
Name : Yara Dahabsie
ReplyDeleteClass : D/V
NIM : 13.411.145
This URL talk about punctuation in writing. punctuation itself means the use of standard marks and signs in writing and printing to separate words into sentences, clauses, and phrases in order to clarify the meaning of what we have write. Punctuation is an important part in writing. Because the job of punctuation is to make a sentences make sense and related to one another, its like grab all of the sentence into one clear information by using marks such as,the period, the comma,the question mark,the colon,the semicolon,the quotation mark, the apostrophe etc. This would help a writer to make a good and perfect sentence/paragraph by organizing the marks between the words or sentences.
Name : Citra Setya Rini
ReplyDeleteClass/Semester : D/V
Student Number : 13.411.147
Spelling and punctuation is the basic knowledge that students should know in early learning process. Spelling related to vocabulary while punctuation is used to create sense in sentence. Both spelling city and heinamann.com are talk about spelling. According to heinamann.com, there are some ways to help children learn to spell and to test students understanding about spelling, it was provided by spelling city for everyday spelling tests. Grammar.ccc and edufind.com give us clearly explanation about punctuation, when we use it and examples also. From those materials, it’s not only make students easy to understand but also teachers in teaching spelling and punctuation.
Name: Insan Nursyahid Kurniawan
ReplyDeleteS.N: 13411130
Semester/Class: V/D
It discussion about spelling strategies, with some spelling strategies like Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. To easy to teach by words through sounds and develop hearing of the children.
2. https://www.spellingcity.com/
This URL talking about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts. I believe that this strategy is good for the student in teaching learning process, because in this game there are game that can make the students interesting to study. But in this url the students and teacher should have the application like i Pads, i Phones, and Android devices.
Name : Baiq Defi Septianingsih
ReplyDeleteClass : E
NIM : 13411187
Spelling and punctuation are needed in every sentence as used to create sense, clarity and stress in sentences. You use punctuation marks to structure and organisé your writing. To make clear sentence punctuation needed in order to spell words could clearly use commas, periods, colons etc. If not, we can read casually so that the words are misspelled sometimes we can change its meaning and significance. We could just be bored and tired of reading if punctuation and spelling does not exist in a sentence (words, paragraphs, etc.). So punctuation and spelling should be there and is in need and we have to learn it.
ReplyDeleteNIM :12.411.196
This is talk about spelling strategies, with some spelling strategies like Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. To easy to teach by words through sounds and develop hearing of the children. When we teach there are some steps, for the beginner we should be teach abou vocabulay and how to spell the word. This is the basic for beginner, because good spelling is important,there are some word almost same the spelling but different. And this URL talk about grammar function, such as how to write correct sentence. This is important because when we make sentence there are many rules. We can study about tenses to know how the way to make correct sentence.
Name : Ahmad Rizqan Salasandi
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411162
Class: V/D
1. https://www.spellingcity.com/
it discuss about how to give comprehension of vocabulary from the game, there are many game we can use to teach in vocabulary. Especially on this discussion we can find these game on the application of the smartphone.
2. http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonrepro/lessonplans/instructor/spell4.htm
When teaching children to do something, the key lies in practice. It is equally applicable to read as well. Effective teaching strategies in the beginning is familiar with the sound of spelling practice. Be patient and give him time to study and absorb each new letter or word. With the practice of continuous learning to read, he will eventually learn how to read fluently.
Research has shown if children are taught to read and write side by side, it makes it easier for them to read. when children combine writing and reading, letters and words can be etched in their memory. so along with reading while he teaches how to write well.
Name : Samaul Hadi
ReplyDeleteNIM 12-411-075
Class : V/B
talking about strategy in spelling especially in English subject. There are some strategy to make our spelling is good in English, like develop our ability to her sounds and can spelling that and write down to make the different between the words when they hear, spell and they written, and another strategy is explore sounds that can help us to identify the letter(s) that represent of the sound.
Name: Sarinda Chuwaida
ReplyDeleteClass: V/D
NIM: 13.411.148
Well sir, I was read all of these URLs, I think these URLs are very good strategy to teach vocabulary, punctuation and grammar. Vocabulary as well as the spelling word and this URL that make students easier to understand the materials. Punctuation is used to create sense, stress and clarity in sentences, punctuation itself is the use of standard marks and printing to separate words into sentences, clauses and phrases and order to clarify the meaning of what we have to write. And about grammar that used to make students easier to understand about structure of sentences and organize in writing.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNAME: Rama Indarun
ReplyDeleteClass: V/A
NIM: 13-411-040
Well, I have read this URL, This URL is the best way for the teacher to develop their student abilty in grammar, and to help the student easy make a sentence. it's also a guide for the student to increase their ability in write something.
I think that's all from me
thank you
name: nur faradillah
ReplyDeleteclass: V E
NIM: 13.411.199
i think this URL is the best one that a teacher use in teaching learning process. because this URL can develop students ability easy to understand how to make sentences well based on the rule or structure of sentences
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411196
this http about strategies for students,there are 3 strategies in this URL and this strategy can Develop Phonemic Awareness,Explore Sounds,and Discover Spelling Patterns. This strategies can help the student in writing and reading skills and can help student to increase their vocabulary. This strategy can increase the ability of the students to listen voice in words and make the students interesting to read a lot.
2. https://www.spellingcity.com/
This URL talking about a program: game-based learning program for vocabulary, spelling, phonics, writing, and language arts. I believe that this strategy is good for the student in teaching learning process, because in this game there are game that can make the students interesting to study. But in this url the students and teacher should have the application like i Pads, i Phones, and Android devices.
3. https://www.heinemann.com/shared/onlineresources/08894/08894f4.html
This url talking about Learners of all ages need encouragement to write, write, write, and just to spell words the best they can in first drafts. The teacher to guide the children to inventing spellings.
4. http://www.edufind.com/english-grammar/punctuation/
This url about pronunciation, we can Use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organised. In this url there are some PUNCTUATION RULES IN ENGLISH such as :
the period (or full stop in British English)
the comma
the exclamation mark
the question mark
the colon
the semicolon
the quotation mark
the apostrophe
the hyphen and the dash
parentheses and brackets.
This rules can help our writing to be well than before. Because punctuation is important to make our writing to be clear and enjoy to read.
This url talking about punctuation marks; this url help us to guide our writing. It help the reader to read the sentence by easy. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book or etc.
Name: Endang Suryani
ReplyDeleteClass : D/V
NIM : 13.411.164
Well sir, I was read all of these URLs. This strategy of these URLs can help the students in writing and reading skills and can help students to increase their vocabulary. This strategy can increase the ability of the students to listen voice in words and make the students interesting to read a lot some books and make students easier to understand about the material.
NIM : 13411133
URL is about punctuation, is quite useful for students, especially for our students in IKIP Mataram, because we are prospective teachers who will teach our students later on, like where we can teach while our own can not, but URL has taught us to where the sign read that correctly.
Name: siska haryati
ReplyDeletenim: 12411049
Sorry sir, i koment with the blog my friends.....
This URL tell about pronunciation, that we can use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organized. In this URL there are some PUNCTUATION RULES IN ENGLISH such as : the period (or full stop in British English), the comma the exclamation mark, the question mark, the colon, the semicolon, the quotation mark, the apostrophe, the hyphen and the dash
parentheses and brackets. This rules can help our writing to be well than before. Because punctuation is important to make our writing to be clear and enjoy to read.
Name: siska haryati
ReplyDeletenim: 12411049
Sorry sir, i koment with the blog my friends.....
This URL tell about pronunciation, that we can use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organized. In this URL there are some PUNCTUATION RULES IN ENGLISH such as : the period (or full stop in British English), the comma the exclamation mark, the question mark, the colon, the semicolon, the quotation mark, the apostrophe, the hyphen and the dash
parentheses and brackets. This rules can help our writing to be well than before. Because punctuation is important to make our writing to be clear and enjoy to read.
name: edi sukron hadi
ReplyDeletenim: 12411267
class: F
that URL talking about program: how to teach Vocabulary as well as in Spelling , because it is make easy to understand for students. Vocabulary Spelling City is ongoing introduction of new features, many based on input from existing users. From that URl, its so important for teacher what good method in teach students that easier to understand what teacher has explained.
this url help us to guide our writing and how to increasing our writing when used the grammatical rule. Then help to reader easy to read it.. And the reader know where he/she stop when read or break when read a book . I beg your pardon, because I late to sent it.
Name : siska haryati
ReplyDeletenim: 12411049
using lesson plan in teaching learning its very good... because i think very easy of the students. Lesson plan also sistematic of the teaching learning process...
without lesson plan, we cannot know how to the teach the students. So that, why lesson plan important of our.
maybe thats all from me
Name : siska haryati
ReplyDeletenim: 12411049
using lesson plan in teaching learning its very good... because i think very easy of the students. Lesson plan also sistematic of the teaching learning process...
without lesson plan, we cannot know how to the teach the students. So that, why lesson plan important of our.
maybe thats all from me
ReplyDeleteCLASS : C/VWII
NIM :12411097
This URL tell about pronunciation, that we can use the pages in this punctuation section to learn how to make your English clearer and better organized. PUNCTUATION RULES IN ENGLISH such as : the period (or full stop in British English), the comma the exclamation mark, the question mark, the colon, the semicolon, the quotation mark, the apostrophe, the hyphen and the dash
parentheses and brackets. this its somting from learning engglis
and somting how to make study in the enggli because this somting importand learning engglis
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNIM :12.411.196
This is talk about spelling strategies, with some spelling strategies like Develop Phonemic Awareness, Explore Sounds, and Discover Spelling Patterns. To easy to teach by words through sounds and develop hearing of the children. When we teach there are some steps, for the beginner we should be teach abou vocabulay and how to spell the word. This is the basic for beginner, because good spelling is important,there are some word almost same the spelling but different. And this URL talk about grammar function, such as how to write correct sentence. This is important because when we make sentence there are many rules. We can study about tenses to know how the way to make correct sentence.