Hi students
I am very happy to have your post
For this week, i invite you to open these following URL and leave your comments by selecting 2 URL at least 100 words for each comment. here are the URL.
best regards
name: lascar farozi
ReplyDeletenim 13411095
class : v c
this url talking about songs that we can use as learning. it is because the songs related with vocabulary , grammar , sounds, pronouncation , and etc. this url good for us to increase our knowledge in english , because the songs that included in this url can help us to inrich our skill . as we now songs is one way to make our mind become relax , and this url offers us a good songs to listen and included education also , this url good for us , we can learn while listening good songs. it is going to be good method to teach our students in future , and i love this url
this url talking about songs that we can use as learning. it is because the songs related with vocabulary , grammar , sounds, pronouncation , and etc. this url good for us to increase our knowledge in english , because the songs that included in this url can help us to inrich our skill . as we now songs is one way to make our mind become relax , and this url offers us a good songs to listen and included education also , this url good for us , we can learn while listening good songs. it is going to be good method to teach our students in future , and i love this url
this url talking about television as media teaching , it is good for us , we can share our edoucation through television , and i do agree programs that us for learning process , but the big question comes from my mind . is television good for teaching ? as we know that people in indonesia like love movie , cartoon , football news , news , and so on . education movie is barely in indonesia, i know, this is one of education problem that we found in indonesia. i think using television as media teaching is complicated . we have to make sure that our student pay attention at television , student could be change the chanel to another tv programs.
Name: Muhammad Arif Pratama
ReplyDeleteNIM: 13411099
I agree whit this topic about learning by using microsoft powerpoint, because many benefit that student can take by those learning such as creativity and computer skill.
students creativities will increase when they use microsoft powerpoint, why? Because sense of microsoft powerpoint is thing that we use to make a slide to make people interest when we show it in presentation or in learning process and of course if student want to make their friend or their teacher interest to their slide thay have to make a good slide, whitout student relize or not their creativities are increase.
Most of microsoft powerpoint aplications are in computer system, so student can also learn much about computer, for example when they done their slide they can open another aplication or do new thing in their computer.
And I also agree with this topic that teaching student using a television, some benefit that student get such as new information and enjoy but serious.
As we know that TV is one of media that people use to share informations and when the student learn using TV of course they will see many informations there and i sure it will increase the knowledge of the student.
But not only information in TV, there are also entertainment, comedy, film and so on, so by those reason i sure that student will not boring or they can feel enjoy when they learn using the television.
ReplyDeleteI agree why the television as teaching media. Because we all know, so that television have many information about breaking news, movie, and not about indonesia.but we can know all about the world. The television its very important of our live. Without telvision we can not know about world. how to world now....? And how are the people in the world...
Listen to music make our enjoy. The heart break can happy when the our songs. Learning about english not must read book everyday. But, we learn ing english can listen music. There, we can learn pronounciation, speak, read and writing. Its very easyly for learn listen to music. We not must to tried thinking about whatever. We can enjoy. Not boring, always happy....
Name : Sumarni
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411074
Class : V/B
learning media is needed when we teach, so that students are more interested in the course. basically learning media it depends on how we adjust to the lessons that we deliver class includes using microsoft office powerpoint. Microsoft PowerPoint is a software that easily and frequently used to make learning media. In PowerPoint there are menus that allow users to create and develop media learning more interesting, more interactive and more fun. Some of the things that makes this exciting medium to be used as a presentation tool is a wide range of processing capabilities of text, color and images, and animations that can be cultivated in accordance creativity of its users. In principle, the program consists of several visual elements and control operations. Visual elements in question, consisting of slides, text, images, and fields of color that can be combined with a background that has been available.
In conducting the study not only the material is needed, but the need for methods of teaching and teaching media as teaching aids. the application of television as a medium of learning greatly assist the delivery of learning materials. Learners or students can get an alternative media unusual new learning so that the learning is done not monotonous. There are also many students who were able to take the extra information or knowledge of the use of television as a medium of learning.
Name : Ridwannatul fadilah
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411118
class : v c
I could not agree at all with this method, as with teaching using MS Power point can motivate students to learn and easy to understand students' learning materials. We can design our MS power point with the exposure of interest in accordance with the material that we deliver. Moreover this method helps to keep the students easily understand the material conveyed and can stimulate learners to remember what has been learned. And by using the MS power point is that we can train children to talk, argue and train students to be active in the classroom.
I agree with this topic. To achieve a more optimal learning objectives it is necessary to use the media as a tool in the learning process. Learning to use video very assist faculty in achieving the effectiveness of learning, especially on subjects that the majority of the practice and to maximize the achievement of learning goals in a short time, so by learning using video can stimulate the interest of learners to be more independent and Learners can discuss with friends class. With this method to train the concentration of learners and can increase the reason students are more focused and more competent.
ReplyDeleteI interested with this URL because it is good for learners, and this helps learner to make good or interesting power point, and make learners become a creative person.
and i interested with this URL because learning through song, will increase our vocabularies, and we know how to read the words correctly, and make our speaking better.
Name: Helda Pebriyana
ReplyDeleteNIM: 13411004
Class: V/A
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
This URL is about songs, and I agree with the method of learning by music, because music is a simple method of teaching and learning in the classroom and outside of the classroom. Music can we used to practice our grammar, vocabulary, and our sounds. This is a good for us because the song is not only a form of entertainment, but also can be a source of inspiration and motivation. If we learn by songs, it can be make us easly to practice our pronounciation that we don’t know before yet to be know well. Songs also can make us relax and fun.
I agree about this URL, because television is a great for learning. The pictures make it easier to understand than radio and because we can see who's talking, we can get a better idea of what people mean. Just watch their body language. Watch programmes that we find enjoyable and entertaining, whatever we watch will help us to improve your knowledge. When we learn about language english, we don't need to worry if we don't understand everything. English television is normally aimed at native English language speakers. Programmes often include difficult words and expressions. If the programme we're watching is full of unknown words, just concentrate on understanding the general meaning.
name:mira listia julianingsih
ReplyDeleteNIM: 13411021
class: V/A
Learning with Television
learning by using television is can show the student can learn from film, soap opera, advertising, and so on. it is can improve the student imagination and creative to learn English. But there are many negative effect too in learning English by using television for student. except to improve the student imagination and creativity using television media can make student change become a lazy student because they just watch what the television share to them and they can't take the point of what they were watched. teaching learning can be successful depend to student personality.
teaching learning be using song
teaching learning by using song media can be the creative and easy way to teach student in pronunciation and grammar. using this media can help student to improve their listening and reading skill. the student can learn the song that the teacher give but at the same time the student can enjoyed the song. because in the class the student can listen the song that the teacher play and the student also can start to work what instruction that teacher give. so the song media is can be on of great media that teacher can use to teach the student especially in listening subject.
name: halimah tussadiah
ReplyDeletenim: 13411019
class: V/A
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
i think teaching and learning process by using song is more functional strategies. it is because song can express the student feeling. through song student can improve or increase their listening skill, the student also can develop their vocabulary. the student may enjoying the song that the teacher gave to them. but the teachers should be selective to choosing the song. the student can learn how to pronunciation the word correctly. teaching and learning process through song also can gives benefit for the student and teachers like it can improve their motivation in the class because it enjoyable.
2. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
i think teaching and learning process through power-point is creative because the teacher can decorate their own power-point based on the syllabus and the lesson planning. the power-point help the teacher to making the shorter materials. the teacher can decorate their power point and make it interesting by using some unique background and icon like cartoon and picture. power-point as the teaching and learning rubrics because in the power point we just make a shorter explanation.
Nama : Awaludin
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411002
1 http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I agree the song is one of the media are very effective and good for learning and teaching,Because song related with activities to practise vocabulary, grammar, sounds,that able to increase our ability to learn English especially in listening and pronunciation skill.The second reason that song media is very simple, because the songs we can hear on our phone, and we can listenig anytime in my spare time aside from the teaching and learning activities.And than third reason songs is the song is one of the art and a hobby that many enjoy doing by all young people, adults, and even children
2 http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
learning by used television can be done by watching western movies such as American or British films and other films also used the English language, by watching movies that use the English language to be able to increase students' ability to master the vocabulary, prononcation and listening of films watched and students are expected to understand conversation in the film
Name : nurhafani
ReplyDeleteNim: 13411015
Class: v/a
learning with television
Television is a mass medium for entertainment,education,news and advertising. Learning by using television can improve the student ability in many aspect such as in pronunciation, listening, grammar, and so on. The student also can relax their mind to received the material that teacher give to them in the class. Television media have many advantages for student to learn English but otherwise television also have disadvantages for student. Television media can damage student brain because many of television event don’t give any positive contribution for student to learn. If teacher want to using television media he must select the event what we will use to teach.
Learning by using power point
Learning by using power point media is the easy way to teacher to teach student by just take the point of the material that he will present or he will teach in front of the class. In Power point media the teacher can use many of background that can take student interest to give their attention when the teacher start to teach them in front of the class. The teacher can use background like use animation picture, use many of colors, use unique font and so on. Use this media will have teacher to teach his student in many aspect.
Name : Haerul Rozy
ReplyDeleteclass : V/A
std numb : 13411001
Teaching and learning process by using a song is easier to the students to improve their pronunciation and vocabulary. Through a song the students can improve or increase their listening skill, the students also can develop their vocabulary. The students will enjoy the song that the teacher gives them. But the teachers have to selective to choose the song that they want to give to the students and also the student can learn how to pronounce each words of English correctly.
Teaching and learning process by using television is one of the best way for the learners /students that want to learn English.
Example like a movie that use English can improve listening, vocabulary, and pronunciation skills for the learners or students. In my experience I had buddies from Holland and they said: nearly all of parents in Holland that had children they teach their children English by using Television because a lot of advertisements or movies that use English. it can improve their skills so that’s way Television is one of the way to learn English. From the example above, we can apply it to the students that want to learn English and improve their skills.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13-411-012
I agree with this URL , because it helps the students to learn English in addition to fun also greatly help students to memorize vocabulary and students also can pronounce correctly and fluently. students will also take pleasure in learning and students will feel comfortable . with this song also will be more happy students in learning and they will automatically be able to remember what they learned .
I agree with this URL , because it helps the students to learn English ,students can also get a new vocabulary , and also students can develop his ideas in writing . This is very helpful , because some are not smart speaking but he is clever in writing.
in writing the students will also get like where how to write properly in writing will be taught grammar , vocabulary , and so. writing lessons very pleasant at all , we can develop our imagination , our mind , and also the ideas that exist in our heads , it is very helpful for students so that more students can creative in learning the English.
My be that all for my argumentation.
name : Riadul Husna
ReplyDeletenim : 13411006
class : V A
i have read the article on that website. there is nothing explanation about how to use the song in order to increase vocabulary, there is only a bunch of songs list. what should we do in teaching with song? is there any tips to facilitate the students? i cannot find it. another suggest for us if we want to share something, we have to explain how to use it, if we cannot explain it in texts we can use picture to make reader understand the purpose.
it is totally different with
http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint. it is full of explanation from the begining to the end of article, anyone who read the article is more easily to understand the article. why does it use pictures? because it is make the reader more easily to understand, when we use picture(s) in our articles, it will make the readers memories what they read longer than we use texts.
ReplyDeleteNIM: 13-411-039
1. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
This URL about television as media electronic can help teacher in teaching learning process. Because this URL to help the students to improve their skills, such as Listening, speaking, reading and writing. I like this media because, use this media can help the student get more knowledge and their critical thinking, they can see how to expression and how to pronunciation. for example, use this media we can ask the student to analysis the movie that she/he like, we can ask them to watch the movie and then analysis after that we can ask them to presentation in front of the class what they are get after analysis that movie. And I think this method is good in teaching learning process.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
This URL about the songs, we can use this method in teaching learning process, and this method can help the teacher in the teaching learning process because this method can increase speaking and listening skills the students in the classroom. this method make the students feel interesting in learning process and not make the students felt bored , It make the student enjoy in the class room.. Using this media the students can get more vocabulary. This strategy can improve motivation in teaching learning process with using the song. Using this media the student can express their feeling that the student feel, they are can describe and mention their feeling that their feel by listening the song.
Name: Masbulloh
ReplyDeleteClass: D
Smt: V
Nim: 13411139
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
Learning by using Power Point
Learn by using media is very interesting for me. Because, now is modern era so we have to change our system in teaching learning also. especially learn by using Microsoft Office Power Point is the good way to achieve a effectiveness in teaching learning and also it is very suitable for us if we want fast to understand about the material what the lecturer explain. And it is a good way if wanna make a creation like coloring, animations, arts and many other in Microsoft Power point it self, not only about it Microsoft office power point also give us many offer to explore our expression like, we can write our writing and we give decoration in every side of it, we can choose various shape of letter or version of letter it self.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
Learn by using education class teaching television
Learn from television is very interesting. why, because so many knowledge that we get, like western movie we will get many skill not only knowing about the story of the movie but we get many vocabularies and also we get skill in speaking and native speaker directly. Not only about it all but also it is the new version in teaching learning for me, new experience, new atmosphere and the new tastes,
ReplyDeleteNama : Supiani
NIM : 13411011
Class : V/A
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I think learning and learning to use the song is a very good strategy and more functional to assist students in the process of listening. Through the songs students can also express students feeling good students in the citation sad or happy. Students can also train they hearing in listening. Teachers can also assign tasks to students to listen to songs, but teachers also need to be more selective in giving the song that is provided to students. The process of learning through song also can provide encouragement and motivation to students to be more enthusiasm in learning ing and be able to learn better suit the student's ability to listen to the song itself.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
Media Definition Television
Definition television media is a special program that is much enjoyed by many people around the world by displaying a very interesting program.
Television has become a medium of information and entertainment that is very interesting. There are so many television programs that can be a medium of information and entertainment. For example, news programs, music, infotainment and much more. Television also serves as a medium of media information that can be understood but in our television watching also we should be able to look at the positive side and the negative side as well and we can take a good benefit in watching television.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411017
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree the learning to use PowerPoint. PowerPoint gives you the ability to create a powerful visual aid that can help make your presentation the best it can be. Getting the most out of PowerPoint takes some time, but with a little experimentation, you can have a unique and effective presentation. so, the material presented can be remembered easily.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Learn by use music can practice vocabulary, grammar, sounds. The lyrics of a song very quickly memorize or remember, learn to use music one right way to increase student interest in learning. learn by use music not make the students get bored in class.
Name: Iswan Hidayat
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411005
Class: V/A
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Song is the one of media that everyone take to be media in teaching learning process because song can related with vocabulary, we can get many vocabulary from a song and also can improve their students skill especially in listening they can listen the song carefully and then they will write the difficult word,after that they can search meaning of the word.
2. http://www.playercenter.orng/education-class-teachinh-television/
I do agree with this topic learning by television like that we know, television is the one of media is very important in our life because the television can help us to know more about what happend in a country not only we get information about news, there are comedy,cinema, education and so on, that we can get by unconsiously, by the television students or people will feel enjoy and happy without get bored.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411018
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
teaching learning process by using PowerPoint, with this technique the student will be more understand what the point of the material, it based on the syllabus and lesson plan that the teacher make before, with PowerPoint the student also can increase their writing ability and added some new vocabulary by see the slide. Using PowerPoint also make the student more enjoy better than they see the teacher just talking in front of the class without any media that uses.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
with a song, the student can build their moods when teaching learning process because some of student will be feel bored and then using a song as the media can increase their listening ability, speaking ability and to make their pronunciation’s more than good.
Name : Fatchul Wijayanti
ReplyDeleteClass : V. A
NIM : 13-411-026
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
It is about a tutorial how to design a presentation using Microsoft Office Power Point. Power Point becomes one of the media in teaching and learning activities. With Power Point we can present our learning materials. Of course in learning English using Power Point, aspects such as Speaking skill and other elements, such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary is very necessary as a way of conveying the content of the material. With Microsoft Office Power Point, learning also more interesting and not monotonous. With the creativity in designing the presentation, students or other people will be interested and will not be bored.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
It is about a list of songs related with activities to practice vocabulary, grammar, sounds, etc. One of the English language learning media is most often used is the song. English teaching methods using the song is appropriate that we try as one of the media in the process of learning English. The reason for teaching using the song for the students is to provide additional training for students to exercises pronounce the vocabulary through singing as a fun media. For example, classical songs, pop songs and short songs can be used to create a pleasant atmosphere, generate interest and enthusiasm of student learning, in addition can also be used as a media of learning vocabulary, and as a means to correct the wrong pronunciation. Moreover, unconsciously they will also improve listening skills.
ReplyDeleteNIM :13-411-028
I strongly agree with the use of learning by using the television as a television greatly assist students in learning, students can learn every day to watch live, and students can choose the channel movies speak english chanel English speaking students can help the ability to hear or listening skill of the film and improve vocabulary, and learn with the media of television can emit the kinds types of audio-visual materials including images, films, objects, and drama and television media also presents a model of a good example for students, with the learning media of television makes the learners can also learn extra at home.
I agree with using the medium of learning songs, use the song as a medium of learning English. In general, music and song only serves as a medium of entertainment or just a distraction to the learning process. In fact, when used with a maximum, the song has great benefits for English language learning, especially at an early age, rhythm and song to help remember words better and be able to understand the message and remember the songs more in the longer term. In addition it is easier to remember and understand the vocabulary more effectively, sing songs in English that can help develop the pronunciation with a natural intonation, so it is very easy to learn the song and understand and also very important for students.
thanks !!!
ReplyDeleteNIM :13-411-027
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
Learning by using power point
Learning by using power point media is the easy way to teacher to teach student by just take the point of the material that he will present or he will teach in front of the class. using power point that students will quickly understand what is material in the paper media power point so this is great for use as a medium of learning and In Power point media the teacher can use many of background that can take student interest to give their attention when the teacher start to teach them in front of the class. The teacher can use background like use animation picture, use many of colors, use unique font and so on. Use this media will have teacher to teach his student in many aspect.
using television so there can be concluded that by using the medium of television can assist teachers in teaching and learning. And be able to help the students to improve their skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. I love this medium because, using these media can help me or other students gain more knowledge and critical thinking, they can see how the expression and pronunciation. for example, using this medium we can ask the students to the analysis of the movie he / she likes, we could ask them to watch a movie and then analyzes after that we could ask them for presentation to the class what they get after analysis of the film. And I think this is a very good method used for teaching and learning process.
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
ReplyDeleteI agree and interest with this URL, because it is good for learners. Learn with URL students become more creative and students can design materials like they want.
This also can make students independently, responsible about theirs power point or theirs assignment. Increase theirs skill to use in computer, because every their make presentation, they must use Microsoft office power point.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I interest this topic, because if learn use songs students will be active in the class, can increase vocabulary and pronunciation students. And also increase listening students. And from the song students can correct about grammar structure or grammar rule.
name : fathul hairul m
ReplyDeleteclass : V.A
nim :13411032
1. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
Application of television as a medium of learning can greatly assist the delivery of learning materials. Learners or students can get an alternative media unusual new learning so that the learning is done not monotonous. There are also many students who were able to take the extra information or knowledge of the use of television as a medium of learning
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
learn English through music and song has its own advantages and drawbacks. The surplus in addition it is easier to remember and understand the Vocabulary more effectively, singing the song can help develop Pronunciation skills with a natural intonation, as well as sharpen our accents that can mimic the accent of a native speaker. Moreover we can recognize the various terms as well as the modern expression used today, also common proverbs through the song. In this way, learning English has become very fun and not boring for us
ReplyDeleteNIM: 11.411.007
Class: A/IX
It is talking about television like media teaching, I agree with this topic that teaching student using a television we can share our edoucation through television , it is good for us and I also agree with the program, It is good for teaching ? We will see many informations there and it will increase the knowledge of the student. as we know that people in indonesia like love movie ,comedy, film, cartoon , football news , news , and so on. i think using television as media teaching is complicate. and student could be change the chanel to another tv programs as we like.
it is good for learners, to make the power point by interest, it can develop to creative person, and help the people to making the shorter materials, an can using some unique background and icon like cartoon and picture.
name : sukarharianto
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411115
it is talk about the song that showing about the people who want be more spirit for their daily activity,that giving spirit for all people in the world, and to give a good positive thinking in their life and spirit to other activity after they work hard, second is showing to the teenager always be spirit to face their life for example for teenager that always do their activity that go to school every day..
in this link,,, talk about the strategy how to study and the important of education for people in their life..
in this strategy that use video that use by the teacher to teach their student for their education activity for example in their school... so by learn using video the student could imitate the expression in that video..
but the advantage is the student less on internet access while looking for the other video and less on media to play that video.
assalamualaikum wr.wb.
ReplyDeleteName : Muhammad Takzim
NIM : 13.411.114
Class : C/V
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I am very agree guru learning by having students use the powerpoint presentation can augment and enhance the creativity of students. students can train their creativity with powerpoint, because to make a presentation need a lot of things that make the presentation as attractive as possible so that the audiences of presentations can get the points in their presentation. besides increasing the creativity of students, asking the students to create presentations with PowerPoint can also automatically increase the technological capabilities of students. therefore I very much agree to improve the creativity of students, a teacher can tell students to create presentations with powepoint.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I am very interested in music as a media of learning, because the song is one of the instruments that is very often heard by many people, especially students. in addition to the song often be heard by many students, the song also create a tense atmosphere in the learning process in the classroom to be lost. And the song also became one of the media that is quite increase capabilty listening skills of students. Therefore I could not agree to enhance the listening skills of students, a teacher could use the song as one of the media.
Billahi taufik wal hidayah
assalamu alaikum wr.wb.
ReplyDeletename: Masitah
class: A/V
Nim: 13411009
1 http.//www.wikihow.com/use.microsoft-office-powerPoint
a about a tutorial how to design a presentation using microsoft office power point. power point becomes one of the media in teaching and learning activities. With power point we can present our learning materials. Of course in learning english using power point, aspects such as speaking skill and other elements, such as pronunciation, grammar vocabulary is very necenssary as a way of conveying the content of the material. With Mcrosoft office power point, learning also more interesting and not monotonous.With the creativity in designing the presentation, students or other people will be interested and will not be bored.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
it is about a list of songs related with activities to practice vocabulary, grammar, sounds, etc.one of the english languange media is most often used is the song.English teaching methode using the song is appropriate that we try us one of the media in the process of learning english.
Name:Rama indarun
I think by using the song as the media in a teaching and learning process is the good way to increase the ability of student in speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary. and by using the song can increase the student's ability in listening skill. because by listen the song the student directly know how to pronunciation word by word in English. and it's can make the student still enjoy in learning English.
this url talking about television as media teaching. I think it's good for the student to learn English.because by watching the TV we can get more information. on the television there are so many channel or program that the student can choose. as like movie, news, sport. but I think the movie is the good program to increase the student's ability in English. because by watching the movie the student can increase their pronunciation, listening skill, and grammar. and the student can develop their ability in analysis a movie, or develop their critical thinking.
that's all from me, and thank you.
Name: Sri Nurdiana
ReplyDeleteClass: VC
Student Number: 13411093
1. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
I think teaching and learning process by using television as a media is a good way to improve the student’s ability especially in listening and reading skill, because television as a media entertainment that very familiar for the students. By television the students can get many information, not only the local information but also international information by a news bulletin program in the television. They can build their critical thinking by listen and read what they are watch and make them more active when the teacher ask them to discussion about one of the program in television. By using television in teaching and learning process in the classroom also make students enjoy and not bored, that make students interest to follow the learning process.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I think teaching and learning process by using a song as a media is a good way to increase the student’s ability and knowledge especially in listening and reading. The students can improve their pronunciation and get a new vocabulary by listen and read the lyrics of the song. The teacher can give the student a blank lyric as an assignment, the teacher ask them to fill the blank lyric. By using a song also avoid the students from bored feeling in learning process in the classroom. ^_^
Name: Heny Gustiani
ReplyDeleteClass: Vc
Student Number: 13411110
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
The reason I use PowerPoint as a teaching medium in the media due to Media Power Point now been widely used in the teaching process in schools especially in the lecture. Today many universities provide teaching facilities using Power Point media to make it easier for teachers to convey the material to be delivered so that the teaching is not boring. By using pawer point will be easily stored in the form of magnetic or optical data. (CD / Floppy disk / flash), so paraktis to be brought everywhere. And also the most important More stimulate children to learn more information about the teaching materials presented.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
The reason I use the television as a medium in teaching media has some good benefits for the learning process namely:
• Television can present models and good examples for students.
• Television can present programs that can be understood by students with age and education levels are different.
• Television can save time teachers and students, for example by recording broadcasts presented lessons can be replayed if necessary without having to process the return. In addition, television is an economical way to reach a large number of students at different locations for the same presentation.
• Television is a medium that is attractive, modern and always readily accepted by children because they know him as part of a life outside of school.
ReplyDeleteCLASS : V/D
NIM : 13411137
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree and interest with this URL, because it is good for learners. Learn with URL students become more creative and students can design materials like they want.
This also can make students independently, responsible about theirs power point or theirs assignment. Increase theirs skill to use in computer, because every their make presentation, they must use Microsoft office power point.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I interest this topic, because if learn use songs students will be active in the class, can increase vocabulary and pronunciation students. And also increase listening students. And from the song students can correct about grammar structure or grammar rule.
Name :nurhidayah
ReplyDeleteNim :13411170
Class :V D
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I like this URL, because the activites of learning in the class can be more interesting, and than the students can active to follow the activites in the class, and students not boring in the class. The students can now about new word, and easy to remember the vocab or the word by singing.
2. http://www.designingforlearning.info/services/writing/interact.htm
I agree with this URL, this URL talking about television (video) to teach the student, same with song, teaching using video more interesting for student, and than the student can get many information, but using telavision have positif impact and negatif impact
ReplyDeleteCLASS: V.A
NIM : 13-411-003
. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree and interest with this URL, because it is good for learners. Learn with URL students become more creative and students can design materials like they want.
This also can make students independently, responsible about theirs power point or theirs assignment. Increase theirs skill to use in computer, because every their make presentation, they must use Microsoft office power point.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
The reason I use the television as a medium in teaching media has some good benefits for the learning process namely:
• Television can present models and good examples for students.
• Television can present programs that can be understood by students with age and education levels are different.
• Television can save time teachers and students, for example by recording broadcasts presented lessons can be replayed if necessary without having to process the return. In addition, television is an economical way to reach a large number of students at different locations for the same presentation.
• Television is a medium that is attractive, modern and always readily accepted by children because they know him as part of a life outside of school.
Name : Eni Lebiawati
ReplyDeleteClass : V/ A
Nim : 13411025
1. .http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
Learning by using power point media is the easy way to teacher to teach student by just take the point of the material that he will present or he will teach in front of the class. In Power point media the teacher can use many of background that can take student interest to give their attention when the teacher start to teach them in front of the class. The teacher can use background like use animation picture, use many of colors, use unique font and so on.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
The URL of the television as electronic media can assist teachers in teaching and learning. Because the URL is to help students to improve their skills, such as listening, speaking,. I love this medium because, to use this medium to help students gain more knowledge and critical thinking, they can see how the expression and pronunciation. for example, using this medium we can ask the students to the analysis of the movie he / she likes, we could ask them to watch a movie and then analyzes after that we could ask them for presentation to the class what they get after analysis of the film. And I think this method is excellent in the learning process and should be developed.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411123
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
this link help the student to study in speaking skill by using powerpoint as a media to presentate in classroom. student can easier to deliver the material by see on the screen.student will speak more than the point in slide. it can train speaking skill of student.
I think teaching and learning process using television as a big assist students in learning, and the students can learn every day to watch live, and students can choose the channel movies with english . this chanel make students can help the ability of listening skill and how to pronoun each word by native speaker.
name :Erna Yunita Nopitasari Ora
ReplyDeleteclass : V/C
NIM : 13411088
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree with this URL because teaching by using Microsoft office power point can increase student motivation. the students will easy to understand the material and also use slide with picture will support the material. and make students interested.
2 http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
i agree with this URL teaching by using song can increase student motivation. the way teaching by using this media is: the teacher give assignment like full fill the missing lyric after listen the song. this media can increase listening and grammar ability of students.
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ReplyDeleteName : Novianti
ReplyDeleteStudents number : 13411127
Class : C class/V smester
I am interested in this URL because this URL contains about teaching through television programs and radio, I think this way will not make students feel bored because at this URL also introduces students to the program television and radio a unique and unfamiliar so that students will be more than happy to learn new things and it will be easier for students to absorb the lessons when using a method that does not make students feel bored quickly.
I am also interested in this URL, this URL on teaching using songs. We know that almost and even most people like to listen to songs and almost any time someone would listen to songs. Listen to songs is one of the very Effective media for teaching, a method to listen to a song can make students easy to learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and others. and will also make the students do not get bored and are not difficult to learn.
name: winda nisvi ramdhani
ReplyDeleteclass: V-D
S.N: 12 411 152
Teaching using songs is effective and our students can easy to memorize the vocabulary. With song our students can enjoy to study because usually most of them like to hear or sing a song. In my experience when I teach my students in MI Maraqitallimat using a song they will happy and enjoy following the subject and usually they ask me to give them a song every meeting and it can make me confuse what song I will teach them for next meeting. For example in Bruno Mars song “counts on me”. In this song you can find so many vocabularies about friendship, so you can use this song to teach about pronoun, verbs and noun.
Using interactive video in teaching can be effective but also it can be not effective defend on the situation. Interactive video are very effective to use if u have good internet connection and with video interactive you don’t need to come to the school, course or any places, you can just stay at your room and your teacher will teach you by the interactive video. With interactive video you can share with all your friends and your teacher without meet him or her. But interactive video will not effective when you don’t have good internet connection because without internet connection you can’t to use interactive video. According to me in Lombok you will find so many problems if you want to teach using this media because as we know in Lombok not all of the students can access internet, not because they can’t to access it but they don’t have gadget to access it.
name : baiq suci febri ramadhanty
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13 411 090
class : V.C
I interested with this URL because it is good for learners, and this helps learner to make good or interesting power point, and make learners become a creative person, and power point can make the student easier to understand the material that giving by the teacher because learn by using power point that just take the point of the material it self.
why I interested with this URL because learning through song, will increase vocabulary, and we know how to read the words correctly, and make our speaking better, and learning by using song can help the student in listening skill.
Nama: Sukran Muhammad Said
ReplyDeletekelas: V/B
Nim: 13411066
1. .http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree with the url in because learning to use power point is very helpful to us. when we learn the disciples with power points they actively learn and understand the material that we provide.
so the power points are very important for students because not only know and learn the material, but we can learn how to use a computer and how to pick up points from the material presented. and the the teacher with easy to use power point. with the power points the students understand what is conveyed by the teacher
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
learn to use the music very well for us. because the music we can learn speaking, writing, pronouncation, listening, reading and so on
if we use the method of learning music. students will learn the spirit because in addition to making them feel at ease that they can understand from the song that taught earlier, once they understand the song they will be looking for the meaning of the song. so students can understand what the teacher taught. and then teachers will be looking for song of english and listen to students and teachers track when his disciples heard they will be looking for grammar and vocabulari of the song. so in addition to teachers teach students in the classroom, students can also learn outside the classroom.
ReplyDeleteSt.No : 13411046
Class : VB
this url talking about songs. as we know the music affects the feelings and the feelings will greatly affect the learning process.
Music can be used in teaching and learning in several ways including:
1) Using music as a prelude to the learning process
Before starting the learning activities, play music can give effect to the excitement.
2) Using the music while resting
3) Using music while presentation
Music can be used as background reading of the story.
By using music, learners can be the motivation to learn. make learners be more excited to be learning and enjoy the learning.
I agree, because when we using MS power point we can make presentations more easily, and delivery of the material more easily and can make viewers or students paid more attention to the material because with the MS power point we could make words or sentences to be animated and this of course can attract the attention of viewers or students
Name : Hirwan Jayadi
ReplyDeleteClass : Va
Nim : 13.411.034
In this url there are many songs what we can use to study, because if we using song to study students can relax and enjoy to study. student easy to understand and student can improve listening skill and speaking skill by listen new song first and after that sing that songs. The student can add vocabulary also.
In this URL we can study by using television, like we watch the new news and we can watch the way to make something also like “hand made” we can make the new creativy, “Otan” we can to know something abaout fauna and watch the cinema also we can study.
Thank you..
name : Rizwan Abdullah
ReplyDeleteclass : V-A
NIM : 13411041
Learning by using power point
Learning by using power point media is the easy way for teacher to teach student by just take the point of the material that he will present or he will teach in front of the class. In Power point media the teacher may use many of background that can make student interest to give their attention when the teacher start to teach them in front of the class. The teacher can use background like use animation picture, use many of colors, use unique font and so on. Use this media will have teacher to teach his student in many aspect.
This website is about the songs, we can use this method in teaching learning process, and this method may help the teacher in the teaching learning process cause this method can improve speaking and listening skills the students in classroom. this method make the students feel enjoy in learning process and not make the students felt bored , It make the student interest in the class room. Using this media the students can get more vocabulary and pronounce because in song the native speaker will sing or speak with a good pronounciation. This strategy can increase motivation in teaching learning process with use the song. Use this media student can describe the singer feeling in that song and can analize lyrics of the song.
Thanks Thats all
ReplyDeleteN I M : 13411182
There are many media for the teachers that use in learning process, but to make the learning process good and successful with the media depend on the teachers’ creativity.
1. http://www.designingforlearning.info/services/writing/interact.htm
This URL talks about how to teach or control the learning process of the students use Interactive videos. This media is good because it is creative and interest for the students, I think it is new media and modern, but to use this media need more cost and another supporting things, so it is more effective to use in specific schools or university that is suitable to used.
2. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
And the second URL talks about the power point as a good media that help the teachers to tell the students about the material that they will be learned. I think this media demand on the teachers’ creativity how to make the power point more interest and appropriate to tell the students what the teachers’ want. Like the URL said before that use power point can make the students easy to remember the material because it is use their visual to take the information from the outside. I think this media is good like now there are many teacher and students use this media to present their material in front of class to tell us about the points of the material.
ReplyDeleteCLASS: V/B
ST. NO: 13.411.076
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I think, this url told us, as teacher about how to use song/lyric song in teaching learning process. it is because the songs related with vocabulary , grammar , sounds, pronouncation and ect. So, the student easy to understand. And I think , this method can help a teacher in the teaching learning process and the student can improve skills of listening and speaking. one of the english languange media is most often used is the song. English teaching method using the song is appropriate a teacher try one of the media in the process of learning english.
2. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I think, this url is a very good thing in teaching learning process. , because many benefit that student can take by those learning such as creativity and computer skill. It is media may help a teacher to presented their material and make a student quick to understand.
and students creativities will increase when they use microsoft powerpoint, Because sense of microsoft powerpoint is thing that we use to make a slide to make people interest when we show it in presentation or in learning process and of course if student want to make their friend or their teacher interest to their slide they have to make a good slide, whitout student relize or not their creativities are increase.
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ReplyDeleteName : Munawwarah
ReplyDeleteClass: V C
Nim: 13411129
I fully agree with using PowerPoint as a learning medium, because optimizing Microsoft PowerPoint as a medium of learning means that you make the most of all the features menu features are capable of making it an attractive medium of communication and preparation which is owned by Microsoft PowerPoint to support teaching and learning activities. Can stimulate learners to learn more about teaching materials and delivery of instructional materials using Microsoft PowerPoint can be easily understood by learners.
I strongly agree, in this modern era of the television era is one that is very telling of education technology to provide information that can be accepted by the public. This media if applied as a medium child to learn to make it easy for teachers, so teachers have to prepare the type of program, time, supervising station that will be used, the value of education, class and maturity of the child, and the perpetrators. And now many television stations that broadcast the film using the English language, it can be used to increase vocabulary and broaden our horizons.
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ReplyDeleteName : Insan Nursyahid Kurniawan
ReplyDeleteS.N : 13411130
Semester/Class : V/D
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
This media is more effective to learn because by using music we do not get bored, and make the students become interest with us, and it make learn easier to be understood.
This media is familiar for us, because it more easily to apply in classroom and student must be interested to the animate of the slide. it make learning in classroom effective.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 12411048
Teaching using songs is effective and our students can easy to memorize the vocabulary. With song our students can enjoy to study because usually most of them like to hear or sing a song. In my experience when I teach my students in MI Maraqitallimat using a song they will happy and enjoy following the subject and usually they ask me to give them a song every meeting and it can make me confuse what song I will teach them for next meeting. For example in Bruno Mars song “counts on me”. In this song you can find so many vocabularies about friendship, so you can use this song to teach about pronoun, verbs and noun.
Using interactive video in teaching can be effective but also it can be not effective defend on the situation. Interactive video are very effective to use if u have good internet connection and with video interactive you don’t need to come to the school, course or any places, you can just stay at your room and your teacher will teach you by the interactive video. With interactive video you can share with all your friends and your teacher without meet him or her. But interactive video will not effective when you don’t have good internet connection because without internet connection you can’t to use interactive video. According to me in Lombok you will find so many problems if you want to teach using this media because as we know in Lombok not all of the students can access internet, not because they can’t to access it but they don’t have gadget to access it.
Name : maya
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411079
Class : V/B
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
htt://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm.it is talking about the song, because song is one of method for teaching the students, with song method, mostly the teacher felts the relax or happy , because the student easier to understand the material with the song method. Many students wish to study hard by the song music because , in brain’s student need relax for studying . and the students too, need the rest after studying materials. and many example of used song method in teaching student such as in elementary school, the teacher more used the song method than to the point of subject, because in brain’s students elementary school more need plying music or song than material ,because with song , the students easier to understand and easier to memorize that lesson.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
Education class teaching television is tools or media easier for teaching the students. Many teacher used media for teaching students because by the media, the students fells comfortable in received the materials from teacher. Mostly of teacher admit that media gave more effect for students increasing or developing theirs knowledge. By the media the students can study by themselves because media gave more information about knowledge or science in that media. Generally by the media all the teacher feels not so difficulties in giving competence for students, because by the media the students can choose the picture that related with their subject . many method in teaching students by the media such as by the picture, movies or puzzle. Last but not the last media is very informant for teacher to teach the students.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 11411060
1. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
I think teaching and learning process by using television as a media is a good way to improve the student’s ability especially in listening and reading skill, because television as a media entertainment that very familiar for the students. By television the students can get many information, not only the local information but also international information by a news bulletin program in the television. They can build their critical thinking by listen and read what they are watch and make them more active when the teacher ask them to discussion about one of the program in television. By using television in teaching and learning process in the classroom also make students enjoy and not bored, that make students interest to follow the learning process.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I think teaching and learning process by using a song as a media is a good way to increase the student’s ability and knowledge especially in listening and reading. The students can improve their pronunciation and get a new vocabulary by listen and read the lyrics of the song. The teacher can give the student a blank lyric as an assignment, the teacher ask them to fill the blank lyric. By using a song also avoid the students from bored feeling in learning process in the classroom.
Name : Abas Oya
ReplyDeleteNim : 11411067
Class : B/V
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree whit this topic about learning by using microsoft powerpoint, because many benefit that student can take by those learning such as creativity and computer skill.
students creativities will increase when they use microsoft powerpoint, why? Because sense of microsoft powerpoint is thing that we use to make a slide to make people interest when we show it in presentation or in learning process and of course if student want to make their friend or their teacher interest to their slide thay have to make a good slide, whitout student relize or not their creativities are increase.
Most of microsoft powerpoint aplications are in computer system, so student can also learn much about computer, for example when they done their slide they can open another aplication or do new thing in their computer.
Using television so there can be concluded that by using the medium of television can assist teachers in teaching and learning. And be able to help the students to improve their skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. I love this medium because, using these media can help me or other students gain more knowledge and critical thinking, they can see how the expression and pronunciation. for example, using this medium we can ask the students to the analysis of the movie he / she likes, we could ask them to watch a movie and then analyzes after that we could ask them for presentation to the class what they get after analysis of the film. And I think this is a very good method used for teaching and learning process.
Name : Ulfa magfirah (13411069)
ReplyDeleteClass : V (B)
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I think this URL good to teaching, why? Because in this method by using song can make the student have fun to learn English, even thought to student don’t like English if they learn English by song they can have fun and easy to study. So that’s why we as a future teacher have to make innovation to teach, we have to think about how to make the student have fun in learn English. And then of course we can use this method to teach our student.
In this method not only study about Vocabulary, but we can combine become Listening skill, Speaking skill, writing skill, reading skill also. First we can measure the ability of listening student, how far they listen and then they catch about the lyrics, if they can listen of course they can speak after they speak they can write down the lyrics and then the last ask them to read the whole of lyric.
2 http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
The second I choose Microsoft Office PowerPoint, it is so familiar for us. That the lecture always use this method to teach us in every meeting in the class room. Absolutely the method effective for teach to the students because every meeting we use to do the presentation in class room. We can make also innovation that can make the student have fun to learn, like we show them the picture that they like and familiar for them for example, the Annimation picture, and e.t.c.
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DeleteHello J :-P
DeleteName :Dinun Muthoharoh
NIM :13411081
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree with this URL about learning by using microsoft powerpoint, because that easily and frequently used to make learning media. so many benefit that student can take by those learning such as creativity in do presentation.
students creativities will increase when they use microsoft powerpoint, why? Because Some of the things that makes this exciting medium to be used as a presentation tool is a wide range of processing capabilities of text. we can use to make a slide and to make people interest when we show it in presentation or in learning process and of course if student want to make their friend or teacher interest to their slide, they have to make a good slide, so realize or not their creativity are increase.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I think by using the song as the media in a teaching and learning process is the good way to increase the ability of student in pronunciation and adding their vocabulary. because by listen the song the student directly know how to pronunciation word by word in English. and it's can make the student still enjoy in learning English. And the song also became one of the media that is quite increase capability listening skills of students. Therefore a teacher could use the song as one of the media.
Name :fairul rizal
NIM :13411121
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
i think by Using the song the students can get more vocabulary. This strategy can improve motivation in teaching learning process with using the song. Using this media the student can express their feeling that the student feel, they are can describe and mention their feeling that their feel by listening the song.
I think by using power point media the easy way for teacher to teach student by just take the point of the material that they will present or they will teach in front of the class.
ReplyDeletei think
teaching with television it commonly bring it in to two said the negative and positive the negative side the student will only focus on the entertainment if they work together with their friends they only take the joke or something like that but in the positive side the interest feeling of the student will be stimulate by these television working and another side the student will be good in corporation aspect with their friends, according to me this television study is good according to the level of the student.
ReplyDeleteteaching with the power point is commonly work for the university student in helping the of student confident to increasing of their own confident they will learn so much thing the student will be taking for instant is the collective of the vocabulary second the fluency of the student when speak with english so it will be bring more good then harm to the student the point is it totally good for student of university
ReplyDeleteI agree with the teaching process by using PowerPoint, because using power point that will allow us to gave the material and using power point also there we can develop our creativity to be able to design slide attractive as possible. Slide good and interesting that will make our students more interested to participate in the ongoing process of teaching learned
I agree the teaching process by using music, because what? music provides convenience for our students to memorize or get new vocabulary and the music also can train their pronunciation and make our students to mention the word by word clearly. Music also can make our students more enthusiasm for learning. So the method of teaching with music is a great way to train their knowledge with the vocabulary they have. Music in order to listen to the song, then the teacher gives the lyrics that have been missing some parts. There, we can provide an assessment to our students.
Name: Dian Indah Anggraini
ReplyDeleteClass: V/B
NIM: 13411072
Actually how to teach using this method is very effective to develop the skills of our students. Because from media television students can increase their knowledge through news, entertaiment, talk shows or movies that they watch. But, i disagree if the method is apply in Indonesia. Because as we know, the sitcom and shows on television in Indonesia does not fully give an example or a good science education for their learning. That's because a lack of educational programs in Indonesian television. If someday, will be there a programs or events that are specific to the education i'm sure the people in Indonesia will be more creative in developing their skills, because in fact we always imitate what we watch in television, such as lifestyle, fashion, and speaking style like OMG hellooo,,,, or maju mundur chantiiikkk,,, and so on, hehe it's very popular in Indonesia.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
This URL tell us about the method of teaching through music. I think that is very pleasant!! Because from the song we can train our speaking skill and listening skill. This method is very effective to apply in the teaching and learning process. Besides easy to learning, the song also is an alternative way to entertain our students. So by listen the music student can feel relax and enjoy to lesson. And also we will be quick to remember vocabularies from the song. I agree with this method :)
Name: Ni Putu Yanti Cahya Sari
ReplyDeleteClass: Vc
Student number: 13411125
Using television so there can be concluded that by using the medium of television can assist teachers in teaching and learning. And be able to help the students to improve their skills, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. I love this medium because, using these media can help me or other students gain more knowledge and critical thinking, they can see how the expression and pronunciation. for example, using this medium we can ask the students to the analysis of the movie he / she likes, we could ask them to watch a movie and then analyzes after that we could ask them for presentation to the class what they get after analysis of the film.
2. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I think, this url is a very good thing in teaching learning process. , because many benefit that student can take by those learning such as creativity and computer skill. It is media may help a teacher to presented their material and make a student quick to understand.
and students creativities will increase when they use microsoft powerpoint, Because sense of microsoft powerpoint is thing that we use to make a slide to make people interest when we show it in presentation or in learning process and of course if student want to make their friend or their teacher interest to their slide they have to make a good slide, whitout student relize or not their creativities are increase.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13.411.203
Class : V / E
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I personally think that learning English through music and song can be very enjoyable. You can mix pleasure with learning when you listen to a song and exploit the song as a means to your English progress. Song is relaxing, when we hear a song while learn English it creates agreeable and motivating atmosphere. In addition, song can improve the positive feeling so that the students will more interest to learning English.
In general, songs also use simple conversational language, with a lot of repetition, so that the students will easier to remember the vocabulary. Learning English through songs, not only for teaching vocabulary but also grammar, literature, listening, phonology, etc.
2. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I think, learning English using Microsoft power point is very useful because we can add our creativity to design the slide that can support our presentation. Also, it can help us easy to remember our material that we want to present.
But remember that if we want to design our slide in Microsoft power point, we should pay attention to the anything that we want to add to our slide. We should appropriate with the students level. So that, your students not only focus on your slide but also focus on what you were presented.
name: Metodius Mite
ReplyDeletenim: 13411080
class: b/v
I'm very agree with this URL, why? cause; first,this is one of the most interesting way to attract student in learning process. second, it's the easly way for student to get their mastering in vocabulary, and the last, this way will makes student fun in studing.
of course, i prefer with this medium guys, at present certainly we have to deal with this medium, especialy in class activity, when we would like to doing our presentation, the manual way will be more difficult than by power point. so, i suggest all of us to using power poin in doing our presentation.
more adventages else is by this medium will increass our creative and more and more knowing about computer.
Name : Rini
ReplyDeleteClass : VB
nim : 13411082
Teaching by using a song is quite interesting , it can attrack the student attention because almost all of people like song and of course children include too. By using song we can improve the student vocabulary practice, grammar and pronousiation. Before we use this media the first step we should do is , choosing the song, make sure the song that we use is suitable for children and easy to catch. This media can increas the student mood in learning English.
Using power point as a teaching media is really good idea because by using this media you can put any pictures and video in it. Teaching by using this media can inmprove student vocabulary, grammar, and pronounsiation. You can put any pictures and ask your student to describe it or if you put a video you can ask them to retell about what they get from that video.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411050
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
In this URL the author tell about how to make sure our presentation using Microsoft office powerpoint. The author said that PowerPoint gives us the ability to create a powerful visual aid that can help make our presentation the best it can be. The author also explain step by step the manner of using Microsoft office powerpoint in a presentation.
I agree that the Microsoft office powerpoint can make our presentation the best. Because, if we show our material presentation using slide in the powerpoint. so, we can easy to teach and also the audience will easy to understand about our material.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
This URL discuss about the song as a media of English learning. I agree that using the song in teaching, it can be a good media for English learning. Because when we hear the music so we can train our listening skill and when we sing the song so we can train our speaking skill and also when we read or memorize the lyric of song so we can add more vocabularies. So, I think that it can effective if we use the song in Teaching process. because, Besides easy, use a song in learning we can also enjoy a reminder and not bored.
Name : Dian Budiyatni
ReplyDeleteClass : V.D
S.N : 13411149
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
The URL is about song. Teaching and learning process by using a song is easier to the students to improve their knowledge of vocabulary. And I agree, with the method of learning by music, because music is simple method of teaching and learning in classroom and outside the classroom. Probably, music will increase our vocabulary and we can find out new vocabulary from lyrics the song. And we know how to pronunciation, and we can analize what the meaning of the song. Music cab be inspiration for us.
2. http://www.wikihow.com/use-microsoft-office-PowerPoint.
I agree with the topic about learning by using microsoft powerpoint. Because it has many benefit for student learning by using powerpoint. Sense of microsoft powerpoint is the thing that we can use to make a slide and make student interest of presentation. And also the student will focus on the slide. And of course students make their friends interest to their slide or presentation. Thankyou.
ReplyDeleteClass : E/V
NIM : 13.411.185
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
This media is very helpful for students to learn English in addition to listening, pronunciation, new vocabulary, speaking even in memory. This media is very efektive because almost everyone likes music, especially when applied in teaching and learning activities. Learn with this music may make students feel more rellax the other hand they can remember easily. Music also can create a positive atmosphere, allowing everyone to participate, and allows for quick review.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
By using media power point easier to grasp and understand the material taught, curry in a power point we are only showing key points in the material. In addition, the power points can attract students to learn because it looks interesting. But in preparing power point we also have to have creativity mindless and if too many animations, graphics, and sounds of music actually distract students' attention to the material as they open it instead centered on backgroun. In addition, the media requires a lot of time to compile.
Name : Deni Suryani
ReplyDeleteClass : V/ E
NIM : 13411177
Many media used by teachers in the learning process
One of them, namely:
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
PowerPoint is a medium in which learning is a transformation in the form of information technology in teaching and learning activities. PowerPoint as a learning medium to create learning that can involve cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects; In learning to use PowerPoint as a medium of learning can enhance students' learning activities, media PowerPoint can train students for independent learning, critical and active students
Excess PowerPoint as a medium of learning, to foster teaching and learning activities that lead to the student. And using media power point allows teachers to show material that will be taught.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
The song is a good tool to help students learning English,
Many advantages to using the song as a learning resource, the song is a linguistic resource, in this case the song into a media introduction of new languages, as well as to the strengthening of grammar and vocabulary
Song bias utilized to develop the students' ability pronunciation and increase the confidence of students. Songs help improve students' memory.
Name: dermawan
ReplyDeleteNim: 134,112,11
Class: E-v
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
i think teaching and learning process through power-point is creative. basically learning media it depends on how we adjust to the lessons that we deliver class includes using microsoft office power point. Microsoft PowerPoint is a software that easily and frequently used to make learning media. In PowerPoint there are menus that allow users to create and develop media learning more interesting, more interactive and more fun. Some of the things that makes this exciting medium to be used as a presentation tool is a wide range of processing capabilities of text, color and images, and animations that can be cultivated in accordance creativity of its users. In principle, the program consists of several visual elements and control operations. Visual elements in question, consisting of slides, text, images, and fields of color that can be combined with a background that has been available.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
this url talking about television as media teaching , it is good for us , we can share our edoucation through television , and i do agree programs that us for learning process , but the big question comes from my mind . is television good for teaching ? as we know that people in indonesia like love movie , cartoon , football news , news , and so on . education movie is barely in indonesia, i know, this is one of education problem that we found in indonesia. i think using television as media teaching is complicated . we have to make sure that our student pay attention at television , student could be change the chanel to another tv programs.
name : zul handayani
ReplyDeletenim : 13.411.215
class : e/v
Television is the electronic mass media that is very popular in almost all age levels, both by children, adolescents and adults. This URL about television as media electronic can help teacher in teaching learning process. Because this URL to help the students to improve their skills, such as Listening, speaking, reading and writing. I like this media because, use this media can help the student get more knowledge and their critical thinking, they can see how to expression and how to pronunciation. for example, use this media we can ask the student to analysis the movie that she/he like, we can ask them to watch the movie and then analysis after that we can ask them to presentation in front of the class what they are get after analysis that movie. And I think this method is good in teaching learning process
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Music in the learning process can be a positive influence to the learners. Music can make learning more fun and not boring. The use of music in teaching and learning can also provide a balance between the right brain to the left brain. This is what will make the learner able to devote their minds to learn. Based on research conducted by experts, it is expected that elements of music can be incorporated into the curriculum. Because music can provide optimal results in the learning process.
class:V D
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
i think teaching and learning process through power-point is creative.learning media it depends on how we adjust to the lessons that we deliver class includes using microsoft office power point. Microsoft PowerPoint is a software that easily and frequently used to make learning media. In PowerPoint there are menus that allow users to create and develop media learning more interesting, more interactive and more fun. Some of the things that makes this to be used as a presentation tool is a wide range of processing capabilities of text, color and images, and animations that can be cultivated in accordance creativity of its users.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Music in the learning process can be a positive influence to the learners. Music can make learning more fun and never boring. The use of music in teaching and learning can also provide a balance between the right brain to the left brain. This is what will make the learner able to devote their minds to learn. Based on research conducted by experts, it is expected that elements of music can be incorporated into the curriculum. Because music can provide optimal results in the learning process.and we can enjoy to study with song.
class:V D
2 http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
choose Microsoft Office PowerPoint, it is so familiar for us. That the lecture always use this method to teach us in every meeting in the class room. Absolutely the method effective for teach to the students because every meeting we use to do the presentation in class room. We can make also innovation that can make the student have fun to learn, like we show them the picture that they like and familiar for them for example; the program consists of several visual elements and control operations. Visual elements in question, consisting of slides, text, images, and fields of color that can be combined with a background that has been available.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Music in the learning process can be a positive influence to the learners. Music can make learning more fun and never boring. The use of music in teaching and learning can also provide a balance between the right brain to the left brain. This is what will make the learner able to devote their minds to learn. Based on research conducted by experts, it is expected that elements of music can be incorporated into the curriculum. Because music can provide optimal results in the learning process.and than learning with the song we can more enjoy and fresh.
Nim : Nila Kusuma Dewi
ReplyDeleteNim : 13 411 214
my blog : nilakusumahave.blogspot.com
Name : Lailatul Wardiah
ReplyDeleteNim : 13.411.186
Class : E
I agree with using this media, because on television a lot of information that we get there and a lot of learning in it. we can choose for themselves the information that fits with our learning. so that students can easily understand what they are learning.
students also do not get bored with these media used.
The media can also train hearing students because this medium is also preferred by students.
I also chose the song as a learning media because the song is also very easy in the learning process. where we use a song that students like and making students more comfortable being in class, students are also easier to understand
In the song there are also many vocabulary, grammar. pronounciation and much more learning contained therein.
how we direct students to be more active in learning.
Name: Ahmad Hambali
ReplyDeleteClass: B/V
Number: 13 411 051
this URL talking about songs, this media we can use to learning method, because with song indirectly stimulus our skill such as listening, speaking. In a song include vocabulary, grammar, sounds, pronunciation and so on. A song also can help us make our mind peacefully, relax and delivered us to sleep. Might be we don’t realize if the song have soul, soul that make our mind or our body feel better when we was listening a song. I like this URL good for teaching method because on song stimulus our skill like speaking and listening skill.
This URL tells us about television as teaching media teaching learning. On television we got some information such as we watch news, movie. That is why I doo agree with the television as the teaching media. Television indirectly stimulus our skill like skill reading, listening and I thing speaking also.
Name: Dinta Roihani
ReplyDeleteClass: E/V
St.Numb: 13 411 176
On this URL is talking about Microsoft power point as a learning process. This method very useful for us because when want to make power point we have to creative and we must have skill computer also. This thing is very important when we going to do presentation, the good power point very interesting student to get attention.
This URL talk about television as a teaching media, this media is useful to get some information like we watch news and watching movie. Television also can help us on skill reading and listening. So this media can be media to teaching learning process.
Name : Ika Listia
ReplyDeleteNim : 13.411.209
Class : V / E
I choose a song in the learning process because using the song makes us more enjoy and Relax, we can also know more vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation. Also the song, is an alternative way to entertain our students, besides easy use a song in the learning process more reminder and not bored. The reason for teaching using the song for the students is to provide additional training for students to exercises pronounce the vocabulary through singing as a fun media.
Learn by using media is very interesting for me. Because, now is modern era so we have to change our system in teaching learning also. especially learn by using Microsoft Office Power Point is the good way to achieve a effectiveness in teaching learning and also it is very suitable for us if we want fast to understand about the material what the lecturer explain.
Name : Eky Arlin Bagus Putra
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411094
Class : V/C
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree whit this topic about learning by using microsoft powerpoint, because many benefit that student can take by those learning such as creativity and computer skill.
students creativities will increase when they use microsoft powerpoint, why? Because sense of microsoft powerpoint is thing that we use to make a slide to make people interest when we show it in presentation or in learning process and of course if student want to make their friend or their teacher interest to their slide thay have to make a good slide, whitout student relize or not their creativities are increase.
Most of microsoft powerpoint aplications are in computer system, so student can also learn much about computer, for example when they done their slide they can open another aplication or do new thing in their computer.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Music in the learning process can be a positive influence to the learners. Music can make learning more fun and never boring. The use of music in teaching and learning can also provide a balance between the right brain to the left brain. This is what will make the learner able to devote their minds to learn. Based on research conducted by experts, it is expected that elements of music can be incorporated into the curriculum. Because music can provide optimal results in the learning process.and than learning with the song we can more enjoy and fresh.
Name: Anugrah widyanto
ReplyDeleteclass : V/C
NIM :13411103
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I think, learning English using Microsoft power point is very useful because we can add our creativity to design the slide that can support our presentation. Also, it can help us easy to remember our material that we want to present.
But remember that if we want to design our slide in Microsoft power point, we should pay attention to the anything that we want to add to our slide. We should appropriate with the students level. So that, your students not only focus on your slide but also focus on what you were presented.
I think by using the song as the media in a teaching and learning process is the good way to increase the ability of student in speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary. and by using the song can increase the student's ability in listening skill. because by listen the song the student directly know how to pronunciation word by word in English. and it's can make the student still enjoy in learning English.
Name: Multazam Marjan
ReplyDeleteClass: V/C
Std. Number: 13411116
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
Learning by using microsoft powerpoint, because many advantage that student can take by those learning such as quality in technology knowledge and computer skill. students will increase when they use microsoft powerpoint, why? Because sense of microsoft powerpoint is thing that we use to make a slide to make people interest when we show it in presentation or in learning process and of course if student want to make their friend or their teacher interest to their slide thay have to make a good slide, whitout student relize or not their creativities are increase. Most of microsoft powerpoint aplications are in computer system, so student can also learn much about computer.
Thank you!
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
It is about a list of songs related with activities to practice vocabulary, grammar, pronouncation. etc. One of the English language learning media is most often used is the song. English teaching methods using the song is appropriate that we try as one of the media in the process of learning English. The reason for teaching using the song for the students is to provide additional training for students to exercises pronounce the vocabulary through singing as a fun media. For example, classical songs, pop songs and short songs can be used to create a pleasant atmosphere, generate interest and enthusiasm of student learning, in addition can also be used as a media of learning vocabulary, and as a means to correct the wrong pronunciation. Moreover, unconsciously they will also improve listening skills, and they will have similar pronounciation with native speaker.
Thank you!
Name Rizal Fahmi
ReplyDeleteClass C
Number 134 111 08
Smester V
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
we can say that it is one of the interseting media that can support teacher in teaching and learning process. In giving material to the student teacher can consider to use this media because we can put pictures, songs, video, graphic and so on in supporting their material presented to their student. By using this, student will not feel bored about the teaching and learning process that usually conducted by teacher with classic way such as student only see the material via whiteboard. One of the advantages using powerpoint is it is economical and must be exist in your computer system and easy to operate.
Thank you!
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
By using a song as a media of teaching foreign language is not only effective way but can be said as the fun way in studying foreign language especially english. By using a song as a media we can get a lot of advantages such as student can know the right pronounciation of english word, student can add their vocabulary, the difference stressing place when the word have same pronounciation and the last it can help english learner improve their listening skill in catching the meaning of the song. If you want to use a song to be your media pick your favourite song so that you can feel enjoy in using songs as your media in studying foreign language. The conclusion is we can say that a song as a media of studying foreign language as aan effective and fun way to try.
Thank you!
Name : Mila Rosa Linda
ReplyDeleteClass : V D
Nim : 13411169
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm.
I think teaching and learning process by using a song as a media is a simple method of teaching and learning in the classroom and outside of the classroom. this method make the students feel interesting in learning process and not make the students felt bored but make the student enjoy in the classroom. If we learn by songs, it can be make us easier to practice our pronounciation that we don't know before yet to be know well. Songs also can make us relax and fun. Through a song the students can improve or increase their listening skill.
I think teaching and learning process by using powerpoint as a media is good like now there are many teacher and students use this media to present their material in front of the class to tell us about the points of the material. And easy to teacher to teach student by just take the point of the material and can use many of background that can take student interest to give their attention and understand of the material when the teacher start to teach them in front the class.
Name :Khairul amri assidiq
ReplyDeleteClass:V B
Nim : 13411054
In the common there are many education using teaching learning process by using media Powerpoint its mean that,it will be creating a lot of people more creativity to prepare those kind of presentation.there are a lot of style are provides in terms of how someone can make interesting even they do the presentation as well,then it will be create those benefit using computer knowledge.thank you.
Absolutely by using media to get a lot of benefit then wonderful time then nice information knowledge is that everybody called TV.Television provides channel to show those kind of learning process in terms of how to be great in english,leadership,interaction to the society then to find a lot of method to practice by using learning process as well.thank you
Name : marzuki rahman
ReplyDeleteClass: v/c
Nim : 13411087
I thing learning with television is very easy to understanding the learner need. It is because television will get a lot information us getting like metro tv, tv one and all channel in the television. i thing all of people have television in each home. And I thing this method is very simple and good for students.
I thing this is so simple to learning. It is because the song related with speaking, vocabulary pronunciation, and ect. This good for us to increase our knowledge especially in English. As we now song is way to make our mine become relax and good song to listen and included for education. We can learn while listening good song and I thing this method is good for students.
Name : Sopyan
ReplyDeleteStu No: 13411058
Class: B/V
I have opened the URL and I could that give a comment that use television as teaching media is more complicated than the other media I think but using television as teaching media is good because it can help the students to expose their ability in listening and speaking. We can explore their skills in listening by television with ask them to watch a English movie or TV programs that they never seen before, it’s not only skills in listening but we can also explore their skills in translation and I could say that television is good in teaching English.
I think that using songs as teaching media is fun and make the student easier to learning English and we can use the song to explore their ability in speaking, listening and also in their vocabulary. Somehow we play them a song that they never heard before and ask them to listen carefully and after that we ask them to write down the lyric in their book and we can also ask them to find out what is the meaning of the lyric and to explore their ability in speaking we ask them to sing the song in front of the class. I think its such fun way to teaching English.
Name: St.Rahmawati
ReplyDeleteClass : V/B
St.No. : 13411061
I think teaching and learning process through power-point in the classroom its giving response systems can improve students' learning by engaging them actively in the learning process. Instructors can employ the systems to gather individual responses from students or to gather anonymous feedback. It is possible to use the technology to give quizzes and tests, to take attendance, and to quantify class participation. Some of the systems provide game formats that encourage debate and team competition.
I agree with this URL, teaching and learning process by using song is more functional strategies. It is because song can express the student feeling. Through song student can improve or increase their listening skill, the student also can develop their vocabulary. The student may enjoying the song that the teacher gave to them. but the teachers should be selective to choosing the song. And then student can learn how to pronunciation the word correctly. Teaching and learning process through song also can give benefit for the student and teachers like it can improve their motivation in the class because it enjoyable.
That’s all,,thank you”
Name :Suhardi diya swasongko
ReplyDeleteId :12411061
good method could be complete by nice strategies in teaching students at this point we can improve students thingking not just give them the words and practice that could make a bad respons also we can give the right example by picture and elaborate them games and quiz that still have correlation with material by stimulating student's brain directly.
name: muhammad
ReplyDeleteclass: B/5
st. number: 13 411 044
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree if teaching and learning process use Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Because learn using Microsoft Office PowerPoint can help the students more creative to make presentation. Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint also can help the teacher because if the teacher using Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint in teaching process it will very easy to explain the material, without must to read the book very much. Teaching and learning process using Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint not only ease to teaching and learning process but also can help the learning process is completed on time. Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint is very nice media for us used presentation for student or teacher.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
learning using a song is very interesting for me. Because learning process using a song can make the student more spirited and not sleepy when teaching and learning process. Learning process using a song have many benefit, like: how to determine the ability to listen to the students, example the teacher asking the students to listening the music or song and then the student writing lyrics of the song it. And the second is how to know pronunciation the students, example the students singing a song and the teacher listening the song it. With it the teacher will know who is the students have a good pronunciation. Besides train ability listen the students and pronunciation the students, the song also can help the students know many about grammar and vocabulary.
Name: Erni Mulyana
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411055
Class: V/B
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Song is the one of media that everyone take to be media in teaching learning process because song can related with vocabulary, we can get many vocabulary from a song and also can improve their students skill especially in listening and pronouncition they can listen and sing the song carefully and then they will write what the difficult word of song, replay and singing the song. After that the students can search what meaning of the liric.
2.http://www.wikihow.com/Use Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint.htm.
I think teaching and learning process by using powerpoint as a media is good. Bacause this media easy to use. And many teacher and students use this media to present their material in front of the class. When the teacher teaching the student in the classroom, the teacher just show the slide and take the point of the material without see and read the book. Microsoft power point can use many background because that can take student interest to give their attention. and using Microsoft power point make the students easy to understand about the material what the teacher have explained.
name: m.fadhil hamzani
ReplyDeletenim: 13411096
class: V/C
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
i think teaching and learning process by using song is more functional strategies. it is because song can express the student feeling. through song student can improve or increase their listening skill, the student also can develop their vocabulary. the student may enjoying the song that the teacher gave to them. but the teachers should be selective to choosing the song. the student can learn how to pronunciation the word correctly. teaching and learning process through song also can gives benefit for the student and teachers like it can improve their motivation in the class because it enjoyable.
2. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
i think teaching and learning process through power-point is creative because the teacher can decorate their own power-point based on the syllabus and the lesson planning. the power-point help the teacher to making the shorter materials. the teacher can decorate their power point and make it interesting by using some unique background and icon like cartoon and picture. power-point as the teaching and learning rubrics because in the power point we just make a shorter explanation.
ReplyDeleteSN : 13.411.135
Learn by using media is very interesting for me. Because, now is modern era so we have to change our system in teaching learning also. especially learn by using Microsoft Office Power Point is the good way to achieve a effectiveness in teaching learning and also it is very suitable for us if we want fast to understand about the material what the lecturer explain.
I choose a song in the learning process because using the song makes us more enjoy and Relax, we can also know more vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation. Also the song, is an alternative way to entertain our students, besides easy use a song in the learning process more reminder and not bored. The reason for teaching using the song for the students is to provide additional training for students to exercises pronounce the vocabulary through singing as a fun media.
Name : ari putri fatimah
ReplyDeleteNim : 13411070
Class : V / B
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I think learning to use Office PowerPoint can provide the advantage, that on every page of the presentation (slide) can be inserted components such as text, graphics, images, photographs, sounds and movies, so as to attract the attention of students who ultimately have an impact on learning outcomes , Additionally, Microsoft Office PowerPoint can also be connected to the LCD making it more attractive for teaching large classes. Because Microsoft Office PowerPoint is one of multimedia, then he has the quality. and ms power point can make students more creative in making presentations.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
television in general, we can describe that function very well because television has the following functions:
1. Media information and illumination
2. Media education and entertainment
3. Media to strengthen the ideological, political, economic, social, cultural
4. Media security and defense
The benefits are related to science or information and skills. Events that are cognitive in between news, dialogues, interviews and so on. The second benefit is the affective benefits, namely with regard to attitudes and emotions. Events normally occurring affective benefits are events that encourage viewers to have social sensitivity, concern for fellow human beings and so on.
Name : hikmah fujiati
ReplyDeleteNim : 12.411.054
Class : B
I think learn using media is very interesting. Because it is to help students to understanding about the material and so that not easy borring when study in the class.
Learning using microsoft powerpoint is very good for presentation in the when teaching and learning process
Thank youu,,,,,
PowerPoint (http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint)
ReplyDeleteRecently, the use of PowerPoint is really important in teaching learning process. Why, because PowerPoint gives you the ability to create a powerful visual aid that can help make your presentation the best it can be. Getting the most out of PowerPoint takes some time, but with a little experimentation, you can have a unique and effective presentation. Besides that, PowerPoint also very useful for teachers or lecturers when there is a material that hard to explain, they can use power point because it is really helpful. In a college, PowerPoint is really easy to understand by the university students because the lectures only give the point of the material and the lectures can explain or ask the students to explain widely about the point.
Song (http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm)
In teaching learning process, not only book, dictionary, and any other media that we can use to be, but it so many media that we can use to provide teaching learning process in the class room or in any place, one of the media that we can use is the usage of song as a media of learning. Song not only to entertain but also we can use song to increase students’ vocabulary. In this case, song is really important if we apply it in the class room to provide students. Song is one of many media that is really easy to understand in learning English… in this URL, the use of song is really good and as a candidate of teacher it is really and really important.
Thank you!
Sorry if I am late to give comment and also sorry if there are some mistakes in creating the comment.
Best regards,
Yuda Prawiradireja “13411111/5th Semester/C Class”
Name : I komang widarta
ReplyDeleteNumber : 13411113
Class : C/v
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
This URL is about using Microsoft office power point. This URL provide how to make power point for presentation, this is useful for us because power point is the one good media for teaching. This url give us new knowledge about power point, how to create interesting slide and so on. So, for the people who want to create nice and interesting slide need to visit this URL.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television
This URL is about teaching by using television, this quite useful for teacher, teacher can share all about education through television. Most student love to watching television, so i think this can make students more interesting to study. but, the danger is student will be lazy and forget about reading book.
Name : M. Khairil Anwar
ReplyDeleteClass : V/e
NIM : 13411202
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
In this URL link is talking about how to use power point, because the power point is one way to present the results of the work, also serves to convey the message or story, we can divide it into several slides. Convey a message or a story with a powerpoint presentation more interesting and not boring, because it can be accompanied by animations, audio and even video. Power point is also frequently used in the workshop or seminar even in the world of education.
2. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
In the url link is talking about television as a medium of learning for students, because television is a medium of information for us. In addition to television as a medium of information can also be a learning media as saying that at this url link, for example, that there is an Education programs at The Paley Center for Media use of television as a catalyst for learning and as a means for helping teachers meet curriculum standards. Students come into regular contact with the moving images in Several different platforms. As a result, they already Interact with television, movies and other digital media in a very sophisticated way and are aware of narrative conventions and concepts such as genre, character development, story structure, and dramatic conflict. Television is a mirror of our society and can serve as a catalyst for discussion and debate in diverse areas of study.
Name : Yuliani
ReplyDeleteClass : V D
NIM : 13411161
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
Power point is very familiar in education area. In fact the student in this era often using power point for make the presentation running well. Power point is one of media to teach in the class room. Usually the teacher using power point for summarizing the materials what they will teach in the classroom for their student. Power point facilitate teacher for teaching and delivering the materials. Power point also facilitate student in learning.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I choose a song because it this media very interesting for using in learning process. If we use a song we can assess many skills like spelling and listening besides that the student will improve their vocabulary. A song also make student spirit to learn and they will easy to remember the vocabulary.
Name: siti masitah
ReplyDeleteNim: 13411138
Class: v/d
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I do agree with this media because using microsoft office powerpoint will incress students ability to perform their knowledge. and with microsoft office powerpoint also will show students when they have to persentesion about their material because when the students use powerpoint they or the students will try to explain in front of the class about their understanding with the material. and the students also will try to und3erstand with the material and make their friends understands with their explanation so why i do agree with this media because this media will inprove students ability to understand the material it self.
well guys i agree with this media that is using television because when the students or the teachers teach the students using television will improve students knowledge. and with television also will make students easy to understand. and this is simple media that we use but, the knowledge that we get from television is good and big important when the proccess of learning it self.
and using television is media that will incress students ability to know about some news many news we can get from the media. so that, i do agree with this media.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 1341160
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree to use microsoft office power point because it can be easier for students to present a lesson in classroom and to improve students ability about some knowledge. and with microsoft office powerpoint will incress students understanding when they have persentation in front of the classroom.
when the teachers have powerpoint they will easy to explain to students in the classroom.because when powerpoint that will include to make students struggle tolook for more about the material.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
i do agree with this media because with media students be able to hear some material and also with this media students will more interes to learning proccess and when the student have hear some sound they will try to listen and learn about the phonemic one to learn.
and with song also will make students mind be strong to pronoun and memorize about some vocab or material in the classroom.
i am so sorry before sir for late to comment lesson in your blog,
ReplyDeleteName :Munir Hadinata
Students No :13411107
Class :V/C
I do agree of teaching and learning using power-point is verry important for teacher and students too, it’s one of the way for emphasizing the students creative thinking skill, why.? Because we can take just the point of the material and put in the powerpoint, and we can add some picture as background in powerpoint i think it’s one of method tomake students interesting in learning process.
I think teaching and learning process by using song is interesting for the students, learning through a song the students can increase their listening skill, students improve the pronouncing and also students can take new vocabulary in the song, but teacher must relevant of choosing the students about song.
i am so sorry sir i am very late to comment because i have problem with my account,4 weeks my account cannot be open.
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Song is the one of media that everyone take to be media in teaching
learning process because song can related with vocabulary and that with singing song we can analysis speaking,hearing all of student,pronoun,and all of student can makes new vocabulary in singing song,and that i thinks if uses singing song in class room student fell not bored to learning.
I agree with using this media, because on television a lot of information that we get there and a lot of learning in it.And that television give all of student more than knowledge,student can be increase accent.
i thinks enough for me,i says thanks you..
i am forget place the name..
ReplyDeletei am muji tahir prihatin from E class
Name : Zuhaeratun Anwariah
ReplyDeleteStudents No : 13411134
Class : V/D
Sorry I come late to comment. And now, I will choose…
1. Http://Www.Wikihow.Com/Use-Microsoft-Office-Powerpoint
Use Microsoft office Power Point is more important for teacher and student because it can be easier for students to present a lesson in classroom. And then with Microsoft office Power Point will be increase the student more understandings when they presentation and must be one of the way for emphasizing the students creative thinking skill Because we can take just the point of the material and put in the PowerPoint, and asks students to put the images as background in power point. That make students more creative and that reading too much enthusiasm, because there is the type of student who does not like reading without the creations and it would be difficult to build their spirit. And also teaching and learning process using Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint not only eases to teaching and learning process but make the presentation completed on time.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I think with teaching and learning process by using simple strategies song is a song because the student can express feeling. Through song student can increase of Reviews their listening skills, the student also can develop Reviews their vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar. Also the song is an alternative way to entertain our students, besides easy use a song in the learning process more reminders and not bored.
We also ask students to analyze the meaning of the song.
Also ask students to find sentences based on grammar are of the song. Besides it was even much also that we will be able to learn to use the song.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 13411196
1. Learning with television
Television is an electronic media that is capable of displaying moving images or video. Television sets today are easy to find and has become a household devices that are required of every home and family. Television is able to convey information and messages through live broadcasts as well as broadcasts that have been programmed. Events or TV program that is most popular today is certainly the event which was themed entertainment.
In addition to the themed entertainment, television also able to broadcast educational programs such as knowledge or science. With this capability, the TV can be used as either a source or a medium of learning. Even television broadcasts can also be programmed to discuss and broadcast on specific learning materials. TV-E (Education TV) is an example of a TV station in Indonesia serving broadcasts that discuss learning materials.
Some television stations are broadcasting to a particular theme such as news and information only or movies only. TV-E which have been mentioned earlier are broadcast to broadcast programs on topics of education and learning, types of television stations is called the Education Television. In Indonesia, in fact not only TV-E who act as educational television, several campus also has an independent television station that is devoted to support the learning process or lecture.
Application of television as a medium of learning can greatly assist the delivery of learning materials. Learners or students can get an alternative media unusual new learning so that the learning is done not monotonous. There are also many students who were able to take the extra information or knowledge of the use of television as a medium of learning.
2. Teaching with power point
Computer-based learning programs that are effective in maintaining the interest of the students, being able to combine different types of media, moving image information is printed properly. The computer-based learning media in particular is software Microsoft office powerpoint presentation. Power point is an application from Microsoft that is destined sebegai media presentation.
There are various ways done by the teacher to meet the learning needs of students, such as by improving the educational facilities. To keep abreast of the times and the demands of learning objectives, teachers are required creative in enhancing the learning process means one of them is the use of Microsoft PowerPoint.
Microsoft PowerPoint also has some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation is one of them is interesting because there is a game of colors, fonts and animations, both animated text or animated images or photos. While one of the shortcomings of Microsoft PowerPoint that if used for a presentation in the classroom is a PC, then the educators to be bothered by the transport and storage of the PC.
Name : Elindawati Ridwan
ReplyDeleteClass : D/V
NIM : 13411154
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-Powerpoint
This URL about using Microsoft office power point. Microsoft office Power Point is important for teacher and student in teaching and learning process. This URL provide how to make power point for presentation, this is useful for us because power point is the one good media for teaching.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
This URL about using song. In teaching and learning process using song is nicely because makes us feel enjoy and relax. In teaching using the song for the students is to provide additional training to exercises pronounces the vocabulary through singing as a fun media to understand a song.
My best regards address to you sir, if you could drop by to my own blog to check my comment out. Here it is mine https://aemrahmanputra.wordpress.com/2016/01/03/a-fifth-week-comment/
ReplyDeleteName : andita maulidya savitri
ReplyDeleteKlz : E/V
Nim : 13411191
And I also agree with this topic that teaching student using a television, some benefit that student get such as new information and enjoy but serious.
As we know that TV is one of media that people use to share informations and when the student learn using TV of course they will see many informations there and i sure it will increase the knowledge of the student.
name:fitria ulfani yuliatin
ReplyDeleteclass: e/V
nim; 13.411.198
I agree whit this topic about learning by using microsoft powerpoint, because many benefit that student can take by those learning such as creativity and computer skill.
students creativities will increase when they use microsoft powerpoint, why? Because sense of microsoft powerpoint is thing that we use to make a slide to make people interest when we show it in presentation or in learning process and of course if student want to make their friend or their teacher interest to their slide thay have to make a good slide, whitout student relize or not their creativities are increase.
Most of microsoft powerpoint aplications are in computer system, so student can also learn much about computer, for example when they done their slide they can open another aplication or do new thing in their computer.
And I also agree with this topic that teaching student using a television, some benefit that student get such as new information and enjoy but serious.
As we know that TV is one of media that people use to share informations and when the student learn using TV of course they will see many informations there and i sure it will increase the knowledge of the student.
But not only information in TV, there are also entertainment, comedy, film and so on, so by those reason i sure that student will not boring or they can feel enjoy when they learn using
name ; budi alwan
ReplyDeletenim ;13411197
class ; 5e
I think, learning English using Microsoft power point is very useful because we can add our creativity to design the slide that can support our presentation. Also, it can help us easy to remember our material that we want to present.
But remember that if we want to design our slide in Microsoft power point, we should pay attention to the anything that we want to add to our slide. We should appropriate with the students level. So that, your students not only focus on your slide but also focus on what you were presented.
this url talking about songs that we can use as learning. it is because the songs related with vocabulary , grammar , sounds, pronouncation , and etc. this url good for us to increase our knowledge in english , because the songs that included in this url can help us to inrich our skill . as we now songs is one way to make our mind become relax , and this url offers us a good songs to listen and included education also , this url good for us , we can learn while listening good songs. it is going to be good method to teach our students in future , and i like this url.
Name: Sarinda Chuwaida
ReplyDeleteClass : V/D
NIM : 13411148
Well sir, this URL is talking about songs that we can use as teaching and learning process. Using this media can help student to improve their listening and reading skill. It is because the songs related with , grammar , vocabulary, pronunciation, and etc. This URL is very good for us to increase our knowledge in learning process especially in English language, the song media is can be on of great media that teacher can use to teach the student especially in listening subject
Well sir, this URL is talking about teaching learning process by using Microsoft Power Point, because Microsoft Power Point is creative way that used by teacher to decorate their own power point based on the syllabus and the lesson plan. This method helps to keep the students easily understand the material conveyed and can stimulate learners to remember what has been learned.
amar hamzah farosy
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I agree with this URL because teaching by using Microsoft office power point can increase student motivation. the students will easy to understand the material and also use slide with picture will support the material. and make students interested.
2 http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
i agree with this URL teaching by using song can increase student motivation. the way teaching by using this media is: the teacher give assignment like full fill the missing lyric after listen the song. this media can increase listening and grammar ability of students.
Name : Citra Setya Rini
ReplyDeleteClass/Semester : D/V
Student Number : 13.411.147
I think, this blog is a great blog and I really like the topics. The author offers us a good menu that we could apply in the classroom. As we know that, the songs related with vocabulary and pronunciation. By listening music, the students could practice how to pronounce word by word and increase their vocab. After listen it, the students also could see the lyrics and check what they have listen.
I do agree with this blog. According to the author, television is a mirror of our society. Everything that television serves to the public is really influence who watches it. Television is one of media that people use to share information and when the students learn using television of course it will increase their knowledge, especially information about English. Because every advertisements that exist in the television usually contain some English vocabulary.
name : lalu rizqi imam p
ReplyDeletenim : 13411104
class: c/V
1. http://www.designingforlearning.info/services/writing/interact.htm
Using interactive video in teaching can be effective but also it can be not effective defend on the situation. Interactive video are very effective to use if u have good internet connection and with video interactive you don’t need to come to the school, course or any places, you can just stay at your room and your teacher will teach you by the interactive video. With interactive video you can share with all your friends and your teacher without meet him or her. But interactive video will not effective when you don’t have good internet connection because without internet connection you can’t to use interactive video.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
i think teaching and learning process by using song is more functional strategies. it is because song can express the student feeling. through song student can improve or increase their listening skill, the student also can develop their vocabulary. the student may enjoying the song that the teacher gave to them. but the teachers should be selective to choosing the song. the student can learn how to pronunciation the word correctly.
name : lalu rizqi imam p
ReplyDeletenim : 13411104
class: c/V
1. http://www.designingforlearning.info/services/writing/interact.htm
Using interactive video in teaching can be effective but also it can be not effective defend on the situation. Interactive video are very effective to use if u have good internet connection and with video interactive you don’t need to come to the school, course or any places, you can just stay at your room and your teacher will teach you by the interactive video. With interactive video you can share with all your friends and your teacher without meet him or her. But interactive video will not effective when you don’t have good internet connection because without internet connection you can’t to use interactive video.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
i think teaching and learning process by using song is more functional strategies. it is because song can express the student feeling. through song student can improve or increase their listening skill, the student also can develop their vocabulary. the student may enjoying the song that the teacher gave to them. but the teachers should be selective to choosing the song. the student can learn how to pronunciation the word correctly.
Name : Yara Dahabsie
ReplyDeleteClass : D/V
NIM : 13.411.145
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I personally think that this website is very interesting. It's such a good method to encourage the learners to learn from a song. Its catchy and easier to understand than books. The learners got a chance to study and play at the same time. Also, learning through a song can increase the learners understanding about vocabulary and grammar because they learn and hear it directly. it is really effective and would not waste much time in explaining.
I agree with this website. A lot of people made a presentation seemed boring and complicated just because they didn't present it well. By creating an interesting and colorful PowerPoint design and made a simple outline in each slides can interact the audience attention to your presentation. Moreover,they can catch the important point from your slide. So the moment after you finish explaining your whole presentation, what you've explained will be remembered because it's interesting and visually unique.
Name : M. Aliandro A.
ReplyDeleteClass : c/V
NIM : 13.411.091
I agree why the television as teaching media. Because we all know, so that television have many new information like breaking news, movie, and not jus about indonesia.but about the world also. The television its very important to now about all of informations in the world. Without telvision we can not know about world. And how are the people in the world...
Listen to music make our enjoy when we linstening. The heart break can happy when the our songs. Learning about english not must read book same everyday, sometime when we jus reat a books for study me our fell bored But, we learn ing english can listen music. There, we can learn pronounciation, speak, read and writing very well. Its very easyly for learn listen to music. We not must to tried thinking about whatever. We can enjoy. Not boring, always happy. The point we can study while onjoy ...
thank you.
Name : Baiq Defi Septianingsih
ReplyDeleteClass : E
NIM : 13411187
1. http://www.paleycenter.org/education-class-teaching-television/
Teaching with Television
Learning with television is one of the teaching media that is in use by the Paley Center's. The aim is to introduce students to the television and radio programs and foreign unique. helping students develop an active and critical speaking, seeing and listening skills, make students improve their analytical skills to interpret and understand, encourage media literacy, and provide a museum experience that relates to ongoing classroom curriculum. Class discussion of their design is to encourage active and critical thinking, seeing and listening, thus triggering a richer discussion. I think the strategy that they spend very affective for students in modern times, advanced tools can be utilized as much as possible in the world of education.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
Teaching with song
Learning music is one method that can train vocabulary, grammar, sound, etc. Learning music can improve memory and increase vocabulary in language learning while improving the pronunciation of every word, hearing also participate in the training by using music so related to each other. Student interest in learning to be increased and not easily bored. It is a method that can entertain and boost student interest.
name : zikrina fitriani
ReplyDeletenim : 13411172
class : 5/D
this URL is talking about how to use microsoft power point. and the tutorial of make a good power point to some presentation. study with using power point will make us more asy to study because it just focus on the point of some lesson until it wil not make us hard to study.
this URL containt the song of study. we can study with song. usually, people will more easy to study with song because as we know all of people like to listen to some song. learning with music make us more easy to remember some lesson.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 12.411.196
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
i agree with this media because when we do presentation we need media to show to the audience, and the audience should be understand easly. The presenter also easy to explain what they want to explain. As a teacher also easy to explain the material. For the example, teaching about describing, we show the student picture and ask them to describing. So this is good media.
I think that using song in teaching learning process is good and make student’s feel relax and comport. Study though song can make student’s good in prounounciation and listening. Because the will speak and listen correct prounounciation
Name : Ahmad Rizqan Salasandi
ReplyDeleteNim: 13411162
Class: V/D
learning with television
Television is a mass medium for entertainment,education,news and advertising. Learning by using television can improve the student ability in many aspect such as in pronunciation, listening, grammar, and so on. The student also can relax their mind to received the material that teacher give to them in the class. Television media have many advantages for student to learn English but otherwise television also have disadvantages for student. Television media can damage student brain because many of television event don’t give any positive contribution for student to learn. If teacher want to using television media he must select the event what we will use to teach.
2. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
By using a song as a media of teaching foreign language is not only effective way but can be said as the fun way in studying foreign language especially english. By using a song as a media we can get a lot of advantages such as student can know the right pronounciation of english word, student can add their vocabulary, the difference stressing place when the word have same pronounciation and the last it can help english learner improve their listening skill in catching the meaning of the song. If you want to use a song to be your media pick your favourite song so that you can feel enjoy in using songs as your media in studying foreign language. The conclusion is we can say that a song as a media of studying foreign language as aan effective and fun way to try.
Thank you!
Name : Endang Suryani
ReplyDeleteClass : D/V
NIM : 13.411.164
1. http://www.isabelperez.com/songs.htm
I think teaching and learning process by using song is more functional strategies. It is because song can express the student feeling and make the students more enjoy in teaching and learning process. But the teachers should be selective to choosing the song. The student can learn how to pronunciation the word correctly and they can improve their listening skill.
2. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
I think teaching and learning process through power-point is creative because the teacher can decorate their own power-point based on the syllabus and the lesson plan. And the second URL talks about the power point as a good media that help the teachers to tell the students about the material that they will be learned. I think this media demand on the teachers’ creativity how to make the power point more interest and appropriate to tell the students what the teachers’ want.
ReplyDeleteCLASS: V/D
NIM: 13411133
I am interested in this URL because we can learn to use power point well and can help students to be more creative in making power point.
and I am interested in the url, learn through song can add vocabulary besides learning to use the song makes us more excited and not easily bored.
name: edi sukron hadi
ReplyDeletenim: 12411267
class: F
this URL talking about songs, this media we can use to learning method, because with song indirectly stimulus our skill such as listening, speaking. In a song include vocabulary, grammar, sounds, pronunciation and so on. A song also can help us make our mind peacefully, relax and delivered us to sleep. Might be we don’t realize if the song have soul, soul that make our mind or our body feel better when we was listening a song. I like this URL good for teaching method because on song stimulus our skill like speaking and listening skill.
This URL tells us about television as teaching media teaching learning. On television we got some information such as we watch news, movie. That is why I doo agree with the television as the teaching media. Television indirectly stimulus our skill like skill reading, listening and I thing speaking also.
Name: siska haryati
ReplyDeletenim: 12411049
this url talking about songs that we can use as learning. it is because the songs related with vocabulary , grammar , sounds, pronouncation , and etc. this url good for us to increase our knowledge in english , because the songs that included in this url can help us to inrich our skill . as we now songs is one way to make our mind become relax , and this url offers us a good songs to listen and included education also , this url good for us , we can learn while listening good songs. it is going to be good method to teach our students in future , and i love this url
Name: siska haryati
ReplyDeletenim: 12411049
this url talking about songs that we can use as learning. it is because the songs related with vocabulary , grammar , sounds, pronouncation , and etc. this url good for us to increase our knowledge in english , because the songs that included in this url can help us to inrich our skill . as we now songs is one way to make our mind become relax , and this url offers us a good songs to listen and included education also , this url good for us , we can learn while listening good songs. it is going to be good method to teach our students in future , and i love this url
Name : Nayoan Sixnarisandy
ReplyDeleteClass : G/IX
N.I.M : 11.411.326 Date : 2.Mar.2016
Learning with Television
learning by using television is can show the student can learn from film, soap opera, advertising, and so on. it is can improve the student imagination and creative to learn English. But there are many negative effect too in learning English by using television for student. except to improve the student imagination and creativity using television media can make student change become a lazy student because they just watch what the television share to them and they can't take the point of what they were watched. teaching learning can be successful depend to student personality.
I agree whit this topic about learning by using microsoft power point, because many benefit that student can take by those learning such as creativity and computer skill.
students creativities will increase when they use microsoft power point, why? Because sense of microsoft power point is thing that we use to make a slide to make people interest when we show it in presentation or in learning process and of course if student want to make their friend or their teacher interest to their slide they have to make a good slide, whitout student realize or not their creativities are increase.
Most of microsoft powerpoint applications are in computer system, so student can also learn much about computer, for example when they done their slide they can open another application or do new thing in their computer.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteNIM : 12.411.196
1. http://www.wikihow.com/Use-Microsoft-Office-PowerPoint
i agree with this media because when we do presentation we need media to show to the audience, and the audience should be understand easly. The presenter also easy to explain what they want to explain. As a teacher also easy to explain the material. For the example, teaching about describing, we show the student picture and ask them to describing. So this is good media.
I think that using song in teaching learning process is good and make student’s feel relax and comport. Study though song can make student’s good in prounounciation and listening. Because the will speak and listen correct prounounciation
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